DCYF – So When You Demand That I Do Something Illegal, I’ll Make It Public.

by Skip

Because that’s what I do. Heck, and it isn’t just singling out that agency – I am a universal hater of folks that either 1) don’t follow their own policies (hmm, I have another set of RTKs to follow up on), or 2) deliberately don’t Follow The Law. It’s just isn’t DCYF – they’re just the topic du jour for me. Not to worry, someone else will screw up and we’ll write about them too. It’s what we do. After all, for right now, I was informed that, in part, a DCYF worker was overheard stating “I think we picked on the wrong family”. Heh! Remember, I’m just a lowly blogger.

Perhaps that last part is really true. What is true is that I’m just an ordinary schlub from central New Hampsha (and I’m stickin’ to it). But it seems that  a couple of lawyers are now reading GraniteGrok, searching for breadcrumbs from what I’ve been told. And I really do like Clair Best’s series on Family Court, DCYF, and about some of the lawyers feeding off of both. And let’s not forget about the Child Advocacy Centers (“CAC”)to boot!

Anyways, I’m digressing. Can I blame in on raising my two ADHD sons? It’s probably, ya know…after all, there’s that old saw “Insanity is hereditary – you get it from your kids”. Move on, Skip.

So I’ve launched a few more Right To Knows. This post summarizes three of them where:

  • Number one – if I’m going to be launching shoulder-mounted rockets, I should know where and at whom to direct them
  • Number two – is a signal that something awful is heading someone’s way (actually, two people)
  • Number three – that special stuff found with in the nose cone or just after it that carries out the mission.

So what am I talking about? So while an event happened back in June in which I had the hankering to write about it then but the typical “Skip gets hit by the usual “Life Tsunami” again. But, better late than never and it still is important in recording how some in the DCYF / CAC environs operate. In this case “our mission takes precedent over Following The Law?” kind of vignette. But first – where’s the target? I asked:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records:

  • The complete organizational (hierarchical) structure of DCYF to include:
    • Name of a given staff member
    • Title of that staff member
    • Name and title to whom they report (as applicable)
    • Name and title of those staff members that report to that given staff member (as applicable).

And it was sent to Amy Fortin, DCYF Investigative Specialist, yesterday. It’s always better to know what the terrain is when trying to hold people accountable. And make no mistake, there are some that hate being held accountable: almost all politicians (for their votes and the policies/mayhem they met upon the rest of us because “it’s good for you and you chuckleheads don’t know what’s good for you”), journalists (who proudly proclaim that they hold people accountable (effectively, only those that aren’t Democrats) but HATE being held accountable by others, especially we peons), and lastly, bureaucrats (who seem, especially of the Progressive persuasion, that they were born to laude over the rest of us). So the above is to let me know who they are.

And to Number Two – the flare that list up part of this battlespace (and also advances this storyline). This time, a bit more of the RTK that was sent to DCYF’s Amy Fortin and to Laurie Grant of the Laconia Child Advocacy Center:

Sidenote: Oh, for those on the Left (and a few with an axe to grind against me/GraniteGrok), ALL RSA 91-A / Right To Knows, once sent, immediately become Government records. In fact, I have done RTKs to see what RTKs an agency or government worker has received. It was rather interesting to find out who thought was interesting or needful to know from our Government. So,I’m not doxxing anyone.

Right to Know demand per RSA 91-A: DCYF Ethics Complaint form

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive…The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government…


In order to hold such “officers of government are their substitutes and agents”, there are incidents of outright lawbreaking and incidents of ethics complaints by which normal citizens are held responsible to use to “at all times” keep such people “accountable to them.


Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records for Citizen complaints against NH State Government staff members:

  • Ethics Complaint form(s) used by the Division of Children, Youth and Families
  • Ethics Complaint form(s) used by the NH Division of Health and Human Services.
  • Ethics Complaint form(s) used by the Laconia Child Advocacy Center / Granite State Children’s Alliance

In addition, I am demanding:

  • A copy of the release form that is presented to legal parents / legal guardians in giving DCYF and the CAC permission to interview a child presented to DCYF / CAC upon the demand by DCYF.
  • The name and title of the Laconia Police Detective that was present at the meeting on June 22, 2023.

Yes, I am convinced that what they did was wrong. Perhaps illegal – that’s part of why I’m doing this. I don’t know for sure but I certainly get more information.

Oh, and Number Three? Next post (going to start working on it right now) but I’ve gone long again. Steve, our Editor, is long-suffering with me with my penchant for “writing long”.



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