The NHGOP Needs To Learn To Lie Like June

Ed Mosca

Dear NHGOP Candidate: A simple question: Do you want to win, or do you want to make an ideological statement? If the former, then you need to go to your local Koch-organization and tell them, “thanks, but no thanks.” The voters who are going to vote for you because of “cut business taxes,” slash regulations,” “limited government,” blah, blah, blah, are already going to do so because of the “R” you are running as. As for the rest of the voters … that is, the majority of voters … they not only don’t care about that sh*t, they associate with “extremism.” So, the last thing you want is to be associated with Koch-world or to put out your own similar campaign literature.

Instead … BE LIKE JUNE. No, not the month. The candidate. June Trisciani is running for Mayor of Manchester. June Trisciani is a COMMUNIST. But you would never know it from her campaign literature. Indeed, you would … if the only thing you knew about June is what you read on her literature … believe that she is a very reasonable, measured, middle-of-the-road, centrist, moderate … okay you get the idea.

Check it out:

June has a plan! She’s going to streamline the permitting process! She’s a friend of business! She’s all about safe streets, and will implement “new technology that … proactively addresses our challenges! Hip, hip hurray! Hip, hip, hurray! And she’s going to fight for “increased investment” in our schools!

June, as I believe I mentioned above, is a COMMUNIST. But you would never know it from reading her campaign literature would you? She doesn’t give a damn about a “pathway to home ownership;” will grow government, not the economy; believes in Illinois/California style public safety and thinks schools exist to indoctrinate children with CRT and DEI. But you would never know it from reading her campaign literature would you?

June and her ilk do it the right way. They run as reasonable, pragmatists and then … once elected … govern like the rabid Communists they are. Republicans run like ideologues and then govern like p*ssies.

My advice to GOP candidates. Just substitute your picture for June’s and adapt it for the office you are seeking. And then once you get elected … if you want to thank me … do so by NOT governing like a p*ssy.


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