Mittens, like most Uniparty Republicans, has his dander up over the prospect of another Trump nomination. It’s cute in an elitist sort of way. Trump is the only guy we know will stand up for Americans (how dare he!), and Romeny happens to have a former campaign advisor who sits on the board of Burisma.
He voted twice to impeach him, so he might be interested in keeping Trump out of the Oval Office. Business. Uniparty Business. Burisma Business.
Nothing to see there, of course, and maybe that’s not in play. Trump, would likely get us out of funding Ukraine if re-elected, which Dems and Romney-esque Republicans will spin as support for Russia. Still, Burisma would probably be less of a priority beyond the Biden’s influence-peddling schemes. No, the issue is with Trump, the disruptor. He is not one of them and doesn’t need them, so it’s only natural for scions of the uniparty to (continue to) work against him.
Or, in this case, against all but perhaps one primary contender. And I just mentioned this a few days ago. If everyone is so concerned about Trump steamrolling the primary, do something to scrape these barnacles off Ron DeSantis’s struggling tug. Mittens thinks the donor class is the key and would not be wrong. No money, no campaign, at least nothing anyone will follow, especially if you can’t raise small-dollar donations in the volume needed to blanket early primary states with mailers and flyers and TV; oh my!
“Despite Donald Trump’s apparent inevitability, a baker’s dozen Republicans are hoping to become the party’s 2024 nominee for president,” he wrote. “That is possible for any of them if the field narrows to a two-person race before Mr. Trump has the nomination sewn up.”
“For that to happen, Republican megadonors and influencers—large and small—are going to have to do something they didn’t do in 2016: get candidates they support to agree to withdraw if and when their paths to the nomination are effectively closed,” he added.
Or is it enough? Breitbart also quotes Papa Smuf John Sununu (former NH governor and Elder Bush White House Pratorian).
‘It is fun running for president if you know you cannot win,’” he continued. “Left to their own inclinations, expect several of the contenders to stay in the race for a long time. They will split the non-Trump vote, giving him the prize. A plurality is all that is needed for winner-take-all primaries.”
Many run for book deals, higher speaking fees, west-wing offices, ambassadorship, other forms of resume plumping, or even a shot as the nominee’s VP. Lame Duck NH Guv Chris Sununu could be one of those things, but he’s not running for President, he said. He is going to Iowa for no reason but whatever.
And that all seems like a lot of work when, given the current culture, you could get away with saying, well, I identify as a presidential candidate (and Maybe socially Liberal Chris Sununu will try that cuz, according to Dad, it’s fun – but we think not. He’s got skeletons and that’ll keep him out of any high profile race).
Anyway – Romney again.
“Donors may think that party leaders can narrow the field. Not so. Candidates don’t listen to party officials, because voters don’t listen to them either,” he wrote. “And the last people who would ever encourage a candidate to withdraw are the campaign staff and consultants who want to keep their jobs for as long as possible.”
Donors would be stupid if they thought candidates listened to the party machine when it is supposed to be an unbiased and disinterested parade guide and little more. We know that is not true. Party machinists tinker with the wheels and gears constantly but not publicly. Nor can they allow themselves to be discovered pushing or pulling one candidate or another unless they are Demcorats – ask Bernie about that.
And Romney is just saying what they are all thinking. Americans, especially primary-voting Republicans, love this Trump guy. For better or worse, we know the GOP is in no position to steal elections, and that will hurt them come November 24, which I also speculated might be deliberate because of the likelihood of a Trump nomination.
And while I don’t put anything past the uniparty when it comes to Trump, which – you have to admit – is one of the best reasons to support the guy, they’ll try to do almost anything, but since they are Republicans, they’ll f— it up … and blame Trump who appears poised to roll over everyone if DeSantis doesn’t flip a switch his campaign can’t seem to find.