Jordan Peterson: Birth Control, Sex, Culture, Men, Women, Consent, and #MeToo …

Steve MacDonald

After watching this, I forgot what I was looking for when I tripped over it (digitally speaking). A young woman in the audience asks Jordan Peterson a question about men in the #meetoo age.

Peterson opens with how birth control changed relationships and culture—a major league transformation in human interaction. Women were freed from involuntary reproduction. “That’s never been the case in the entire history of the planet.”

He references cultural sea change and the decades of experimentation, “well, how’d that go? A little hard on the family. That’s not so good for kids.” And he keeps going from there because “It turns out that sex is a lot more complicated than we thought.

He ventures into the current day circumstances and where we find ourselves several decades later with different rules from what applied to most of human history. When it is okay to have sex and what consent means, intimacy and marriage; it’s a great exploration of the subject. And what’s up with the #MeToo Mob response, campus rape chaos, and an unexpected progressive contradiction.

The remarks run just under 8 minutes.

A few quick points about EM Daily: neither of the tags they use is relevant. The student was formerly progressive and is reformed by her own admission, so she is not a progressive student. And at no point do we know if she is left speechless. Also, Peterson never says, “Sex has never been free.”

The video is absolutely worth your time; it just annoys me when nothing about what drew you to click is present. In this rare case, the product was better than the clickbait.





  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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