Know & Tell — NH’s Children’s Advocacy Center  — A Shell Organization for PD & Court Corruption

Claire Best

The Granite State Children’s Alliance’s label is “Know and Tell.” So I’m going to take them at their word. Know and Tell cannot be distinguished from the infamous DCYF – the agency that ordered an intern at the Youth Detention Center to delete files about the sex abuse of minors in state care.

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The same agency that admitted to deleting files about sex abuse at Phillips Exeter Academy; the agency that has received a damning report over and over and over from the US DHHS Office of Inspector General for utter failures on every single level.

On the board of the Granite State Children’s Alliance, there’s an interesting mixture of names and affiliations who are tied to law enforcement, DA’s offices, the AG’s office, an accounting firm, law firms, and car dealers. Four names that stick out, in particular, are Andrew H Crews, Phil Taub, Chris McLaughlin, and Richard C Tracy. Then there are police officers from Manchester and Nashua and a curious married couple Jared Vartanian (an accountant), and his wife, Kristin Vartanian, of the Rockingham County Attorney’s office.

When Harmony Montgomery went missing, it took two years before anything was said, and the police statements – when they finally did say something – wreaked of a cover-up. Is it possible that Adam Montgomery was actually working in cahoots with the police in a drug trafficking enterprise?

With a member of Manchester’s police department on the board of Children’s Advocacy Centers (CAC), none of the official Harmony Montgomery stories adds up – at all. Manchester Police Department knew that Adam Montgomery had a criminal record, and they knew that Harmony Montgomery had a black eye and that she was living with a criminal. Demetrius Tsaros was the case worker not just in Harmony Montgomery’s case but also in the case concerning Anna Carrigan’s nephew, which caused her to bring her whistleblower lawsuit documenting the horror show that is DCYF (and, therefore, CAC by connection on its own site) and which was summarily rejected by the State’s Supreme Court.

And yet, Richard C Tracy (Criminal Investigator for the State), and Chris McLaughlin (DA for Cheshire County) are on the board of an “advocacy” center for children that works hand in glove with the DCYF, the NHCADSV, police, and prosecutors. The rejection of Anna Carrigan’s suit and the rejection of David Meehan et Al v New Hampshire for Youth Detention Center Abuse reflects very badly on the very board members of the Children’s “Advocacy” sham. It also reflects extremely badly on New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Chief Justice, Gordon MacDonald, who was once a partner at Nixon Peabody with Phil Taub, one of the board members of the CAC. Gordon MacDonald blamed child abuse at the Youth Detention Center on “victim negligence.”

Governor Sununu, after whose father the YDC was named, dismissed the class action suit as an ambulance-chasing enterprise. Then the criminal charges against former employees started to roll in, and the reports from the Office of Child Advocate. The descriptions of abuse of children under state care are nothing short of MKUltra-type experiments. Who gave these employees license to hold kids down in chains, drug them, beat them, starve them, rape them, and order them to have sex with each other? The DCYF (the CAC, the NHCADSV, and all of those board members from the NH Bar and Police Departments who can no longer be separated from the DCYF by virtue of their own advertisement of it on the front page of their “non-profit” Children’s “Advocacy” Center inviting us all to “Know and Tell” when we see child abuse.

What are the millions of documents hiding that the State has only recently come across with the YDC? What was the need for Gordon MacDonald to hide corrupt police officer names from the public and his deputy Geoffrey Ward to delete their files? These are questions that become particularly relevant with Chris McLaughlin on the board of CAC. James F. McLaughlin, who was one of the corrupt police officers and the state’s top sex crimes officer, went to work in Chris McLaughlin’s office after his name was revealed on the list. What was he doing there? Deleting files?

In the latest tell-tale sign that the New Hampshire Courts know they have misbehaved, Tina Nadeau – Chief Justice for the Superior Courts – has resigned with no explanation given.

Just like Lori Schibinette of the DHHS resigned with no explanation given. But a little visit to the US DHHS OIG website reveals that New Hampshire had just been fined a week before for $7.9 million due to Medicaid fraud and that 90% of claims were fraudulent. Funny how local news media left that little detail out.
More Than 90 Percent of the New Hampshire Managed Care Organizations and Fee-for-Service Claims for Opioid Treatment Program Services Did Not Comply With Medicaid Requirements.

A 2020 US DHHS OIG report (also not covered by NH news organizations coincidentally) reveals that: New Hampshire’s Monitoring Did Not Ensure Childcare  Provider Compliance With State Criminal Background Check Requirements at 21 of 30 Providers Reviewed.

Now Manchester Police and Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig are also at odds with each other over correspondence concerning Harmony Montgomery. The whole lot of them should be put on the trial stand in front of a federal judge and be forced to testify under oath of their monumental and appalling screw-ups that led to the brutal and horrific murder of a child under state watch.

The “Children’s Advocacy Center” was registered in New Hampshire in 2003 – right when former Monsignor Edward Arsenault was in his prime. But let’s not forget that he defrauded the Diocese of Manchester, nor that Assistant AG Jane Young (now US Attorney for NH) shook hands with him after he took a plea deal for a super light sentence. Coincidentally, Jane Young co-endorsed the renewal of Richard C Tracy (a board member of CAC) as the State’s top criminal investigator. Looks like he’s got a huge blind spot when it comes to members of the police and bar. Is that because they are all cozy together on the board of the CAC?

If you read reports advocating for the Children’s Advocacy Center published by UNH, it doesn’t take long before you realize that CAC is a recipe for abuse of power. What could go wrong: a single police investigator model from a corrupt police department playing into a “non-profit” whose board members are also from corrupt police departments, DA’s offices, law firms, and auto dealers, which feature in both the Pandora Papers and Paradise Papers. The enterprise is helped by having Jarad Vartanian on the board, the CPA who just happens to be married to another board member who comes out of Rockingham County DA’s office.

Pity the child who ends up in the CAC, starved, lied to, bullied. You cannot separate Children’s Advocacy Centers from DCYF, NHCADSV, CASA NH, Police, Prosecutors, DAs, Attorneys, Auto dealers, or Primary Bank.

No wonder Anna Carrigan faced retaliation when she spoke up. Got to protect the racket, not the children.

Is Governor Sununu stepping down because the Pandora Papers and Child Abuse racket is catching up? Is everyone leaving the Titanic? Edward Arsenault went to Florida. So did Autofair. So did Eric Spofford of Granite State Recovery Centers, where fentanyl trafficker Jeff Hatch was all set to shake hands with Vice President Mike Pence….until he wasn’t.

Why did police take from August 2022 to July 2023 to investigate and arrest the budget commissioner for Londonderry, Tim Siekmann?

The news failed to mention that he had an IT Consulting firm and a non-profit for veterans’ affairs. The sale of child sex abuse images is big business.

What other elected officials or members of the bar or law enforcement are involved in this? Is elected representative Stacie Loughton in on the same disgusting game?

Is the Children’s Advocacy Center an empty cover for child abuse, trafficking, and corruption?


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