Yeah, So … About Those Wildfires (Revisited)

In May 2021, we reported on how the Biden administration scrubbed 57 years of forest fire data. Poof, gone. A year later, we added their disappearing another document that showed the dramatic decrease in fires/lost average. Poof, gone.

Related: Satellite Images Show Scores of Forest Fires Starting in Quebec – At the Same Damn Time

It allows them to pretend that since 1983 we’ve seen a rise in fires and lost acreage. What else happened in the early 1980s? The Global Warming lie was born. The next forty years have been spent hiding data that undermines the narrative or recalibrating it to match.

Climate science had become a job for the Winston Smiths, who would rewrite history based on the latest approved messaging. And oh, joy, Public health does that now too, but let’s not get distracted.

From Roger Pilke Jr. Care of WUWT.


  • The IPCC has not detected or attributed fire occurrence or area burned to human-caused climate change.
  • Globally, emissions from wildfires has decreased globally over recent decades, as well as in many regions.
  • Canada wildfire trends show no increase in recent decades
  • Wildfires used to be much more extensive in past centuries
  • Wildfires are a part of the natural ecosystem.

You can read the full analysis here.


As we suggested early on in this “not so wild” fire story, they look deliberate, planned.


I’m guessing here, but I bet a deep dive into the motive for the alleged arsons will land somewhere near or on top of so-called environmentalist groups dissatisfied with the speed at which the Canadian government is crippling its people and their economy.

That’s speculation, not fact, but whatever the reasoning of affiliation; these are not wildfires. They are criminal acts of arson.


The Burning Platform has links you can check out that explore that idea. They’ve got it pegged as a deliberate conspiracy to push the global warming agenda and allow them to declare a public health emergency. We all know how those work out. I’ll go with maybe on the intention, and they won’t let the crisis go to waste either way.

Not that it matters from 30,000 feet. Whether it is planned destruction or not, in the age of CO2 fearmongering, there is no global connection between rising COs and forest fires or premeditated – caused by or from.

Not globally.


Global Forest fires


Not in Canada


Canadian acres burned by year
Canadian acres burned by year


The trends are the same everywhere. It’s not CO2, so it can’t be “climate change” even if you believe it could be – and since this is a roundup, I found some reporting on an expert who says it’s just a thing that happens sometimes.


The recent wildfires began on June 2, ignited by hundreds of lightning strikes on vegetation dried by a week of unusually warm weather. The Canadian drought monitor reflected normal moisture conditions and temperatures close to or below average prior to the warm spell. This refutes any claims of abnormal dryness as the ignition point.

The circumstances were set in motion when a high-pressure system started forming over south-central Canada around May 27. It led to an environment ripe for wildfires, warming and drying the area for several days into early June. The final ignition source arrived early in June with a lightning storm associated with low pressure.


I’m still partial to the eco-terrorism, and the arrests of arsonists support that, but I’m open to natural events and arsonists.

Finally, for those Cultists still fretting, here’s some more good news: Greenland added 600 billion tons of new snow in the 2023 season.



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