Because when The State is no longer going to protect the Right to Private Property, NO one can own anything at all. And if you no longer own your property, there can be no private Freedom. In fact, no freedom at all as the linchpin of freedom is to both own, control, and protect one’s property.
This is one of the fallouts of the Left’s Critical Race Theory that is tearing our Society apart – this is both reparations at the micro-level and retribution against “The Oppressors” at the macro-level. And note the newest euphemism by the Left concerning your property (italicized below):
California Senate Passes Bill Preventing Employers from Requiring Staff to Stop Shoplifters
The California State Senate passed a bill last week that would prevent employers from requiring employees to intervene to stop shoplifting — a growing scourge in the state since the enactment of criminal justice reforms.
SB 553, introduced by Silicon Valley’s State Sen. Dave Cortese (D-Cupertino), is described as a bill to prevent and monitor “workplace violence.” But it also includes a provision that “every employer shall establish, implement, and maintain, at all times in all of the employer’s facilities, a workplace violence prevention plan for purposes of protecting employees and other personnel from aggressive and violent behavior at the workplace” that “shall include … [p]rovisions prohibiting the employer from maintaining policies that require employees to confront active shooters or suspected shoplifters.”
And another Right is the Right to Self-Defense. Look at how that redefinition is handled! Just like how gun crime is now “gun violence”, your self-defense and defense of your property is now lumped under “workplace violence” in which YOU are the aggressor while the actual criminal is the “victim” simply because you want to keep your property to yourself (SELFISH of you to demand that they pay for it – evil capitalist!).
As San Francisco Bay Area Fox affiliate KTVU reported, retail associations are furious, believing that the bill will tell potential thieves that they can steal goods at will:
[O]ver 50 organizations, including the California Retailers Association, (CRA) don’t support the bill.
“This bill goes way too far, number one, where I think it will open the doors even wider for people to come in and steal from our stores.”
The CRA says if SB 553 becomes law, it will need to apply to all industries and not just retail. They also say most retailers already prohibit regular employees from approaching anyone about stolen merchandise and have some employees who are trained in theft prevention.
“It says no employee can approach someone who is shoplifting. So even if someone is trained on how to deter someone from doing that, now they’re not allowed to approach someone. So, what does that mean? We are opening up the door to allow people to walk into stores, steal and walk out,” Michelin said.
Retail theft has caused a growing number of major retailers to leave downtown San Francisco, and pharmacies in Los Angeles and other cities have begun placing ordinary household goods, such as toiletries, behind locked glass doors.
Some store employees have successfully confronted shoplifters. However, such confrontations can be deadly: a Home Depot employee in the state was fatally shot while trying to stop a shoplifter in April.
Note that this applicable to ALL industries – basically any commercial place of business. Waltz in, put something under your arm, and off you go. Electronics, furniture, tools, fixtures, supplies, vehicles – and how about doing a massive “squatting” effort? How can any economy withstand this stressor? This is legalizing lawlessness on a massive scale.
Once again, we see a lack of Civics as well as an inability (refusal to play?) to wargame out consequences of note. Why stick to a traditional norm of morality (“Thou shalt not steal”) when no one else abides to that same norm? And the rational outcome of this irrational legislation?
Intentional Societal breakdown. WHO in their right is going to start a new business if a social media Flash Mob decides to wipe you out in an hour and you can’t stop them. What happens, in a large city, when hundreds or thousands of these happen simultaneously? Now lay into that equation the Progressive cities that fell for the “defund the police” stupidity and no longer have the means to stop this?
I’ll be honest – if they do this, I may well think “they deserved the results”. Even the normal folks because they put this yahoo, Dave Corese (D-Cupertino), into office. The mush about “workplace violence” is a mere smoke screen – it is to define that anything is everyone’s. That is, isn’t it, the “equity” of Communism?
If one of our enemies (e.g., Russia, China, Iran, et al) wanted to vanquish the US without firing a shot, can you think of anything slicker than this?
And then the next step engages – the Rise of the Strong Man after a brief interlude of massive vigilantism vs armed gangs. Imaging the field day that Antifa, who has been honing its street tactics for years and now openly carry firearms, will unleash the rest of us.
And then the real violence will kick in.
And our enemies will just smile.
(H/T: Breitbart)