Criticism Of The USDOJ Is An Attack On Democracy!!!!!

Ed Mosca

Rather than try to defend the indefensible … that is, rather than actually addressing the FACTS that show the USDOJ covered up multiple crimes by Hunter Biden and his daddy, the “Big Guy,” our figurehead, illegitimate President … Merrick Garland instead took to the podium and bloviated about attacks on democracy. Yeah, right, democracy in America is now an unelected, unaccountable, heavily-armed federal agency that sees its mission as propping up the Democrat Party.

In the real world … the world that so many in the GOP refuse to live in … Merrick Garland, Chris Wray, Joe Biden, etc. are the real threats to America. But these GOP refuse to see what is apparent. So they pretend that America is not a creeping Police State by pretending that Putin, and not Garland, Wray, Biden, etc. are the real problem … Putin and Russia are the real threat to our freedoms! Russia hacked our election! He’s Hitler reincarnate!  

Forget about those pro-life activists being arrested by heavily-armed FBI agents, that parents who spoke out at school board meetings were classified by the FBI as domestic terrorists, the whistleblower who exposed that everything we are being told by DoD about Ukraine is a LIE, just as everything DoD told us about Afghanistan … we’re winning! we’re winning! just a few more decades and the troops can come home! … was a LIE, that virtually everything our wonderful government told us about COVID was a lie, the J6 protesters being held in the DC-gulag for years, that the USDOJ is going to put Trump in prison.

Keep your eye on the ball, people. The real threat is Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin!

Here is Herr Himmler … oh; so sorry; I mean Merrick Garland … warning people not to criticize USDOJ:


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