Coming Soon - Micah Studios - Granite Grok

Coming Soon – Micah Studios

Jun 12, 2023:

NEWPORT, NH June 12, 2023–Micah Studios, founded by Jessica Rothbart, Stacey Hammerlind, and Jody Underwood, is a private learning organization located at the Epiphany Stone Church in Newport. Aimed at students who don’t fit into traditional educational models and homeschoolers seeking a structured yet flexible approach to their studies, Micah Studios believes in empowering students to take charge of their learning. It promotes individualized learning experiences.

Described as a “one-room schoolhouse for the 21st century,” classrooms will consist of 20 students of mixed ages. Students will have the freedom to study individually or collaborate in groups, based on their skills and interests. To aid them on their educational journey, guides are available to provide personalized support and assistance.

According to Micah Studios’ philosophy, child-led education is the key to individualized education. Unlike the model prevalent in public schools, Micah Studios allows students to choose what they wish to study and which projects to take on. This approach enables students to pursue subjects that truly ignite their passion and curiosity, by allowing them to choose what they wish to study and helping them to become competent and independent.

Micah Studios’ goal is to operate under an approach that emphasizes teaching children to find answers, rather than providing them with ready-made solutions. “We want these children to be able to thrive in the real world, not just read textbooks,” said Rothbart. By teaching critical thinking and problem-solving skills, the organization hopes to prepare children to face the challenges of an ever-evolving world with confidence and adaptability.

All students will be officially considered homeschoolers. Records and transcripts will be kept by using project-based learning. Throughout their studies, students will curate portfolios documenting their projects and showcasing their growth and achievements. These portfolios, according to the organizers, are widely accepted by colleges and institutions and will serve as progress records for students seeking further opportunities.

Micah Studios draws inspiration from Acton Academy, which has locations worldwide. At the core of Acton Academy’s philosophy is a dedication to nurturing children’s curiosity, fostering independence, and instilling a lifelong love for learning. Acton Academy values the principles of political, economic, and religious freedom. It also emphasizes uncovering each child’s unique talents and teaching them how to apply those gifts to solve complex challenges. With shared ideals and a common mission, Micah Studios aspires to join the Acton Academy’s affiliates in New Hampshire, which include academies in Laconia, Hillsboro, Bedford, and Dover.

Tuition will range from $8,000 to $10,000 per year, depending on the number of days a student attends. To enroll, interested students and their families must complete an application by July 1st. Micah Studios will then contact applicants to schedule an interview, which will be held by July 15th. The school year will begin on September 6th.

For more information about Micah Studios, including the application process and tuition details, please visit their website at


Cross-posted from the Eagle Times with permission. Rich Girard, Editor.
