“Bud Light” Says Otherwise, Buckos

by Skip

This sounds like the Democrats who believe they “own” the Black, Brown, Gays, and the rest of the insolent Democrat Identity Political Totem Pole groups (“How DARE you leave us!”). But as always, the goal is to always embrace and surround and then absorb their allies. Then DEMAND that those allies can never leave – or else.  And we are now seeing that occur in real-time.

However, a foundational question to “frame” the rest of this post: is a company in business to make a return for its owners/stockholders or does it exist to be a front group for a small percentage of the US Population pushing a sexuality identity?  Does a willingness to make a quick buck with some lip service mean that a small percentage of a tiny group is entitled to demand ANY kind of “ally support” forever even if it results in bankruptcy?

The title of the post gives it away – and yes, any of us that rise up against THEIR NARRATIVE are Extremists.

Sidenote: Hey, LGBT, thanks for helping to burn out yet another word. Now that you’ve called the majority of Americans “extremists”, its value is zilch. Instead, it now has most “extremists” starting to think “WHO are the real extremists”?  Yeah, we’re all looking at you and I think you’re starting to fight a rear guard action. After all, if we “extremists” can make $36 BILLION of market cap to evaporate into the ether over a small number of weeks, what ELSE do you think we can (or should) do?  Emphasis mine, reformatted:

Over 200 LGBT groups demand Target restock all Pride merch and denounce ‘extremists’ speaking out against children’s apparel, ‘tuck-friendly’ swimsuits

More than 200 LGBT organizations and allies released a statement this week demanding that Target restock all of its Pride merchandise and denounce “extremists” speaking out against the controversial items. Consumers called for boycotts after it was revealed that Target’s Pride collection included LGBT-themed apparel for children.

Parents hate it when groups proselytize values other than their own to their children. When they continue to press, it is seen to be an attempt to take control of children, not theirs. And WE are the “extremists”??

Two weeks ago, Target announced that it would be moving its Pride section from the front of its stores and removing some items from its inventory altogether. In a statement released May 24, Target stated that “volatile circumstances” and “threats impacting our team members’ sense of safety” forced it to stop selling “items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.”

Designers who had their merchandise pulled from Target’s shelves criticized the retailer for caving into the backlash.

I’m sorry – am I missing something here? If the consumers that are paying for items no longer wish to purchase them, shouldn’t a store react in its own self-interest AND in protecting the interests of its stockholders?  And why SHOULDN’T Target now allow itself to be “Bud Lighted” for a limited sexualized ideology?

Erik Carnell, a clothing designer who identifies as a transgender gay man, told Reuters:

“It’s a very dangerous precedent to set, that if people just get riled up enough about the products that you’re selling, you can completely distance yourself from the LGBT community, when and if it’s convenient. If you’re going to take a stance and say that you care about the LGBT community, you need to stand by that regardless,” Carnell added.

Seriously – you want them to “go down with their [economic] ship” simply to make you feel good about yourself? Are you that selfish? Through thick and thin, eh? Sounds like Carnell is looking to run a grift by using the old “all or nothing” logic to influence the tactic of guilt (“completely distance yourself….convenient”).


The Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, GLSEN, Family Equality, National LGBTQ Task Force, and approximately 200 other LGBT-allied groups signed a joint statement on Monday laying out a list of demands for Target.

Hmmm, is a demand list from groups that represent a tiny fraction of Target’s consumer base going to be valued over the billions of market capitalization already lost by conservative consumers voting with their dollars?  WHO has the ability to do more damage to Target? One of these demands is rather amusing:

Doubling down on your values is not only the right thing to do, it’s good for business.

Snort.  What does Bud Light think about their “good for business” right about now?  And why should Target believe it now?

The groups insisted the retail chain “release a public statement in the next 24 hours reaffirming their commitment to the LGBTQ+ community,” restock all Pride merchandise in-store and online, and “ensure safety of team members who are on the front lines.” They urged Target to “speak out against anti-LGBTQ+ extremism going into Pride Month.”

According to the organizations, retail employees have been forced to endure “horrendous, unhinged attacks” due to the controversial merchandise.

And this next part is the most insidious of all – the elimination of all Free Speech concerning “their” issue:

The groups accused anyone speaking out against the Pride items, which include “tuck-friendly” swimsuits for transgender-identifying individuals and LGBT apparel for infants, of fueling “hate” against the gay, lesbian, and trans community.

Really?  This is the normal stock in trade of always accusing those THEY hate of the very thing they are actually doing. Throw the dirt first in hopes it sticks in a Public Relations war in which they desperately think they should win. Actually, desperation is the word to use as they understand that if their Big Box takes its own self-interest first, the gig is up. They understand that that first blocks in their wall won’t be the last – and they are terrified at that prospect.

They urged Target to double down on their diversity, equity, and inclusion values, claiming that “there is no such thing as neutrality” and unequivocal support would be “good for business.”

Urge? When they issue a demand to take a knee, it’s not a voluntary move. It’s about the only negotiating point they have.  What will they do – what CAN they do to punish Bud Light, Target, and others who have seen what happens when the other side’s (that would be us) toleration has been pushed to far.

The Alphabet Mafia demands us to be “tolerant” of them even as they refuse to respond in kind that others don’t agree with their aims. However, these groups only goal is to use these businesses to forward (“leverage”) as cudgels

“Target, and all businesses, can leverage the support of LGBTQ+ organizations to navigate this hate, so that together, we can let extremists know unequivocally that, just as with every other failed anti-LGBTQ+ campaign of the past, fear will not win,” the group’s joint statement read.

This is like the Spanish Inquisition going after those they believe to apostates. It IS a religious cult to them – they will not brook any dissent. In this, they are like the Chinese Communist Party who have had secret police stations (until lately) hunting down THEIR runaways and leavers and trying to make sure they “will not win” their freedom.

And yes, these Trans-Authoritarians are employing tactics right in line with other totalitarian regimes to get their way.

If they can bully Bud Light and Target, they’ve already proven my point.

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