There’s still a problem here that isn’t going to clear itself out anytime soon. “The New York Times practically wet itself the other day noting that during COVID, the United States “built a European-style welfare state,” and isn’t it a tragedy that we gave it all up.”
In the early, panicked days of the pandemic, the United States government did something that was previously unimaginable. It transformed itself, within weeks, into something akin to a European-style welfare state. . . Since then, most of it has been disbanded.
Since then, we’ve also had the highest inflation in 40 years, and an exploding national debt that is someone is going to have to pay for eventually. Here’s what the transfer payment expansion of that spending binge looks like:
Yes, it’s fuzzy, but the important bits, the size of the amounts taken from others/borrowed out of thin air is becoming astronomical.
The problem is three-fold:
- Who is going to pay for this?
- When is the REAL payment going to happen?
- And why are Progressives all hot and bothered to put us into bankruptcy to continue it?
We know who is going to – Generation Millenials and Z and the next few…if it is even mathematically possible to do so (which I doubt). There’s also the political bankruptcy as this is evidencing the Left’s willingness to Cloward & Piven the entire nation just so that, like Cloward & Piven who came up with the “overload the government idea in the first place, they can provide a socialist control “solution” to the problem they are creating.
Doubt me? Have you been listening to the Democrats that have all but lit themselves on fire that NO one should ever be asked to work for the money that Government sends them via the dole (in all of its hundreds of varying fashions)? Further, IF someone is on the dole (and I do wish we could change the language AND the stigma of healthy worker-able adults to not being on the dole), the Democrats want to keep them there for Power. Why else are they so happy to keep these folks in near poverty (that is until the rest of us get wise to the fact that with all the inbound transfers, some are living middle-class lifestyles without lifting a finger)?
But the most expensive thing is the growing entitlement outlook of “Government will always take care of me” instead of being responsible and believing that I am responsible for myself (an adult attitude).
From Cafe Hayek comes this quote from Prof. Thomas Sowell in support of what I say, and many of you know already, about Democrats and those in Government (but I repeat myself):
One of the most dangerous trends of our times is that increasing numbers of people have a vested interest in the helplessness of other people.
Some people get a rush knowing that others depend on them. Others understand that if they are too successful at what they have been tasked to do, their own self-interest kicks in when the realization comes to the fore with:
Er, what will happen to me if my co-workers and I have worked ourselves out of our jobs?
Or instead of saying “self-interest” as I am wont to do, should I borrow the language of the Democrats and call these people selfish instead?
(H/T: Powerline)