The ConVal Education Funding Trial … What The NHGOP Should Do, But Won’t, Because The NHGOP Is Controlled Opposition

by Ed Mosca

This is the third in a series of posts on the ConVal education-funding trial. For your ease of reference, the first was THE CONVAL EDUCATION FUNDING LAWSUIT … ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHNNY-WOKE TELLS THE COURT: THE STATE IS ONLY A LITTLE BIT PREGNANT and the second, HEY PATHETIC NHGOP … CONVAL IS AN ACTUAL ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY … AND YOU ARE AWOL. This installment shows the NHGOP how to fight back … how to beat the corrupt, imperialist New Hampshire judiciary at its own game. And it will be completely ignored by the powers-that-be in the NHGOP … because the NHGOP is merely controlled opposition.

It is pretty simply, actually, dear NHGOP. ConVal and the other plaintiff-educrats wants the court to rule that State funding of public education needs to be approximately doubled in order for the State to meet its constitutional obligation. So … dear NHGOP … tell the people what the practical consequences would be … in letters to the editor, talk-radio, twitter, facebook, etc. etc. etc. … HOW MANY STATE POLICE WOULD HAVE TO BE FIRED, how many snowplow drivers, how many DHHS caseworkers, etc. etc. etc. in order to find the funding.

Do it every day. A full court press.  Make Judge Ruoff famous … but not for the reason he wants to be famous. Expose what he is doing … attempting a takeover of our democracy.

Of course the NHGOP won’t. Because they are controlled opposition. They’ll denounce the decision in the strongest possible terms, blah, blah, blah … then sit down with their Democrat friends and raise the taxes needed to pay the bill presented by Judge Ruoff … and then they’ll go fundraise and campaign on how we need to vote NHGOP to keep taxes low.



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