Anheuser-Busch Is Having The Sads of Their Own Making … Are Still Talking to Dylan Mulvaney?

by Skip

BUD has been downgraded by HBSC as a hold, and they can’t even give away Bud Light. Their other brands are also tanking, and his tweet shows us why.

And still, they haven’t bothered to do an apology to their then-loyal fans that have moved on to other brands like Coors/Miller and Yeungling.

Now, I don’t drink alcohol, so I have no dog in this fight, but most people do. So AB is a big loser, a BIG loser. But you know who is even bigger?

The Left.

For years they have used boycotts and the threats of boycotts against major and small corporations as well as small family businesses under the rubric of “Nice business you have there – pity if something were to happen to it” as in “we’ll yank your customer base a six-pack at a time.” Now, the Right, Conservatives, and those normally unaffiliated-but-refusing-to-be-identified-as-a-scrawny-guy-larping-as-a-young-girl folks have joined together to create a multi-billion dollar boycott.

Is this a one-shot, or as Saul Alinsky’s Rule #6 says, they have finally learned that this can be an effective tactic against the Left, even if just to have some fun but not be political?

After hordes of blue-collar and “frat boys” deserted them, the Human Rights Campaign (part of the Gay Mafia) threatened to pull their demographic, too, if they didn’t bow down to the mighty HRC CEI Score that measures how LBGT-friendly a company is.  And now the gay bars are also retaliating against AB. Caught in the middle, eh?


I’m betting right now, after what Dylan Mulvaney has done to their company with just a few “influencer” videos, AB is wondering if DM was a corporation-wrecking plant by the anti-alcohol folks.

Wonder what this beer blood bath will look like in a couple of weeks?  As one wag has written, if this lasts until and just through Memorial Day, they may be just another can – if it even survives.

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