Where Men Take Things from Women, and If You Don’t Applaud, You Are a Bigot.

Millions of people would disagree, but a very vocal core of the political Left is obsessed with creating a world where men take things from women, and if you don’t applaud, you are a bigot.

And it’s not just weird. It is an exception to the rule.

Cultural appropriation is so bad college students have been taught to riot over it.

Racial appropriation is bad (unless you’re Lizard Warren).

Pretending to be a vet (stolen honor) is bad. Pilfering identities is terrible. Identity theft is wrong. And you are not allowed to impersonate elected officials, most licensed professions (doctors, lawyers, etc.), or law enforcement (fraud).

Robbing women of their privacy, scholarships, accolades, jobs, and even their history is GOOD! The contradiction runs so deep that a man pretending to be a woman who takes a trophy, opportunity, career, scholarship, or accolade from a woman is better than a real woman. Men pretending to be women who rape real women are not treated like men who rape women.

If you’re a rapist, the message is clear. The Democrat party is committed to raping women in every way possible. If you happen to be an old-fashioned rapist, claim to be a woman, and the Progressives will lock you up in a building full of them. This makes about as much sense as putting Anthony Weiner in charge of a daycare, or Bill Clinton, a battered women’s shelter -Hey Baby, what’s your name?

The Left organized the Women’s March to protest Donald Trump saying something Joe Biden did (without consent).

This brings us to International Women’s Day, Wednesday, March 8th. Hershey’s honored the day with a man who pretends to be a woman. Dr. Jill Biden handed an award to a man in honor of his pretending to be a woman. And let’s not forget Admiral Levine, who was awarded woman of the year by some liberal mag.

Overall, March 8th is turning out to be a great day for men as the Left honors their insurgency into the world of women. Women whose rights these progressives pretend to represent and defend. An act of fraud for which there has as yet been no punishment.

Tucker had a hilarious opening bit about “International Men in Dresses Day.”

“We got them to make abortion all about men’s bodies!”



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