If Muslim Populations Achieve Political Critical Mass in America…The Stuff Dems Claim to Defend Is Gone.

There’s some debate about whether Islam has already conquered Europe. The UK is damn close, so it behooves us to ask, what happens to Democrats if Muslims take over their party?

Was that a weird thing to say? Shouldn’t they be more interested in the so-called theocracy-driven neo-Christian conservative totalitarians? And why not? Easy. Sharia-driven Islam is an intolerant totalitarian political system, just like Democrat Socialism.

The political right has lots of constitution-defending, free speech loving, self-defense liberty folks. With few exceptions, Christians support free speech, religious liberty, and individual rights, including self-defense. You can have your religion as long as they can have theirs.

Fundamentalist Islam, the sort using culture to conquer the world, is the polar opposite which is why all the high-profile political Muslims in America tend to be Democrats. But do Democrats understand that they are infiltrating them like the left has infiltrated education, churches, music, Hollywood, and big tech?

They make for an odd couple until you ignore the window dressing and get on the carpet. They are both totalitarian. They allow you to ignore any law (religious or secular) to achieve a desired end. That end is systemic control of the population through centralized power.

Assuming these arcs do not change course, Muslim populations will eventually achieve critical electoral mass. When that happens, do they choose freedom, individual rights, and an open and promiscuous culture? Probably not. All the culturally progressive stuff will get rubbed out. There will be no grooming in public schools. Gay marriage will likely cease, existing unions annulled or decertified, and those couples forced apart – the children removed and put in the care of ‘the state.’ Assuming no one gets executed for blasphemy.

There will be actual censorship, not the fake fear-mongered nonsense we get from Democrats today. There will be books, movies, and music, that will be banned for real—things you are forbidden from saying.

The Islamification of the West is the goal, and the moderates will not be in charge.

The Gay Agenda, Green Agenda, and Women’s rights. All out the door. And here’s the unfortunate part. Democrats in power will not give a damn as long as Democrats are in control. That’s why Islam chose them as their vehicle. They will destroy the culture and the people so Islam can save them for Islam – or cleanse them from the Global Ummah.

There is no other explanation for why a fundamentalist theocratic faith system would piggyback a ride on everything they allegedly despise about American culture and human nature.

So, hate on Republicans or Christians all you want, Dems – but they are the defenders of the freedoms necessary for the culture you claim to defend to exist.  Islamic theocracy is totalitarian and would end nearly everything your party claims to support in exchange for despotic control.

But if the women and the gays and the rest discovered this truth, they might stop voting for you, so you’ve done a fine job of dividing everyone further and blaming others to stay in power to do what?

Lose it all.

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