Diversity-Equity-Inclusion … Euphemism For Anti-White Racism

Ed Mosca

So only 22 percent of Stanford’s freshman are white … which makes it impossible to claim that Diversity-Equity-Inclusion is about making institutions “look more like America.” Stanford’s freshman class does NOT resemble America at all.

So it’s about redressing past wrongs? You know the argument that white people have historically oppressed people of color and continue to benefit from that oppression, so it’s simply balancing the scales of justice to discriminate against white people in order to benefit people of color. If you nodded yes, then please explain to me how D-E-I is morally different from the Nuremberg laws in the mid 1930s in Germany that began the process of de-individualizing an dehumanizing Jews.

Rhetorical question … the woke Republicans will  simply robotically respond with, “it’s different because DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH.”



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