The Next Time You Come to New Hampshire from New Jersey I Will Happily Kick Your Apparently Sorry Ass. - Granite Grok

The Next Time You Come to New Hampshire from New Jersey I Will Happily Kick Your Apparently Sorry Ass.

fight communism

Mr. Everett:

I read your message below and noted you’d copied NHSBA and NHSAA.

I remain convinced that requiring high school grads be exposed to 60 minutes of instruction on the history and nature of Communism to be a good thing (HB102).

I have to take issue with your assertion that Republicans feel that Nazis are “swell chaps.”

I also take exception to your assertion that Republicans promote MAGA “uber alles.” I and many other Republicans have often expressed dismay re: some of the actions and excesses of our 45th president.

And finally, I’ll infer that your reference to your father’s military service means that you, yourself, have never donned your country’s uniform. FYI, I was a Marine Corps infantry officer who proudly went into harm’s way in the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan. This message has my contact information. Please advise re: the next time you come to New Hampshire from New Jersey, and I will happily kick your apparently sorry ass.

MOST sincerely,


Michael I. Moffett (LtCol, USMCR)
Professor/Author/N.H. State Representative


From: Charles Everett <>
Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2023 12:19 PM
To: Michael Moffett <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: HB102-L: commies bad, MAGA good

It’s only natural that such a measure is sponsored by a politician from the Republican Party, an organ that promotes MAGA uber alles and believes the Nazis are swell chaps.

My father was with the US Navy in World War II and if he ever found anyone thinking like a Nazi he would have kicked their ass.

Charles Everett, Bridgewater, NJ

