Proposed Legislation That Affects the Right to Life


The NH Legislative Pro-Life Caucus & NH Right to Life are sponsoring a press conference in Concord, NH, to discuss proposed legislation that affects the right to life that will have hearings in House Judiciary later this week.

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For this event, we chose Valentine’s Day to remind us of the human dignity and immense value of all people, at all stages of life, both before and after birth.

All media outlets are welcome.

WHO: Leaders from different NH pro-life organizations, including the Legislative Pro-Life Caucus & NH Right to Life.

WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 14, 8:15-8:45 am (one-on-one discussions available afterward)

WHERE: Lobby of the NH Legislative Office Building, 33 N. State St, Concord, NH.

WHAT: Legislation (for pro-life and anti-life) will be discussed. Two bills of particular concern (HB224 and HB271) would remove NH’s moderate, 6-month protection for preborn children and allow abortion until birth.

FOR QUESTIONS CONTACT: NH Right to Life at (603) 230-8136 (voice & text) or


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