Face The Nation … Sun-King Sununu Tells Republicans: LET THE GROOMERS GROOM

Sun-King Chris Sununu brought his LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME! pretend Presidential campaign to Face the Nation yesterday. His message for Republicans … LET THE GROOMERS GROOM. I kid you not:

Hey dummy … yeah you Sun-King … the Left, and that includes Democrat Governors, ALREADY is … and has been for some time … attacking conservative businesses. Is Sun-King that insulated from reality? Or is he just that damn dishonest.

More importantly, protecting children from grooming should be one of the top priorities of government at all levels, NOT the “worst precedent.” And Florida’s actions in stripping Disney of the corporate welfare and corporate perks that state government has given it over the years is absolutely the right thing to do, the conservative thing to do, the limited government thing to do.

Sun-King Sununu … one of the worst lockdown-Governors, who supports abortion up to birth, biological boys competing against girls in school sports, mask and “vaccine” mandates … is NOT a small-government Republican. He is a woke corporatist/globalist authoritarian and the sooner he exits the Governor’s office for his contributor’s gig on MSNBC the better.


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