Does Anyone at NPR Realise They Did This To Themselves?

Does Anyone at NPR Realise They Did This To Themselves?

In early December 2022, we reported some bad news at National Public Radio (NPR). Declining ad revenue meant a hiring freeze and other cuts, but they “intended to avoid layoffs.” The shelf life on “avoid layoffs” was about two months.

ICYMI: How Public Radio Got Their “Nuts” in a Bind…


NPR will need to cut at least $10 million from the current fiscal year ending next Sept. 30, the network’s chief executive, John Lansing, announced Wednesday, due to a sharp drop in revenue from sponsors.

Lansing told staffers in a memo that he intended to avoid layoffs, but would be forced to severely curtail hiring, amounting to what he described as “close to a total hiring freeze.” The network will also sharply cut back discretionary spending and non-essential travel.

The early December announcement was padded with false optimism. And maybe the pagans at NPR didn’t want to look like the grinch who stole Christmas, but with the holiday past, it’s time to accept the loose tooth and the coppery taste of blood in your mouth.


In a memo to staff, NPR CEO John Lansing wrote that “our financial outlook has darkened considerably in recent weeks. At a time when we are doing some of our most ambitious and essential work, the global economy remains uncertain.” …

“The cuts we have already made to our budget will not be enough,” Lansing wrote.

Have they stopped applauding Biden for sending money they could have used to Ukraine? It’s hardly the biggest irony. As I noted here, the economy that is killing them is thanks to NPR (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYP WashPo, etc.). And while I’d like to feel remorse, we are busy juggling our home budgets for all the same reasons NPR had to cut spending, stop hiring, and lay off staff.

Non-stop partisan pandemic fearmongering and militant opposition to any science outside the approved narrative. You lied about the problem, the protests, the pandemic, the “cure,” and actual preventatives that would have stopped all of it in its tracks.

This could have been avoided, but you had to kill your golden goose to remove The Donald. But Trump’s presidency wasn’t just an economic boom for the American economy. It was a Golden age for Machine media so you got what you deserved (what many on the left asked for), not that you’ll recognize it or admit it.

You’d rather praise Biden or blame Trump, but that won’t stop the bleeding. That would require an epiphany, a road to Damascus moment, a hit-rock bottom-revelation that shatters a political and economic paradigm. The government, in general, but particularly in the hands of Progressives, does not exist for any purpose other than to serve itself.

Nothing can be permitted to stand in the way of that, and everyone but the government must sacrifice to that end.

As love-struck spokesmodels for that brand, you should consider yourselves lucky that you only need to cut 10% of staff (for now) but unlucky that you’ll likely be doing it again soon while unable to honestly report on how you did this to yourselves.



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