Article V Constitutional Convention – Get Ready for the “Hocus Pocus”

Imagine a group calling themselves patriots, afraid to use the powers constitutionally and unanimously bestowed to the states in 1787 from perhaps the greatest men of intellect ever assembled in history.

We want to thank Al Brandano for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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This group’s tactics include hocus pocus, magician’s wand, sleight of hand, and even flying monkeys of FEAR to make you think a Constitutional Convention is the same as an “Article V” Convention of States.

Article V COS simply would allow NH to become the 20th state to authorize faithful delegates picked by the NH legislature to meet with other states and propose amendments to “THIS” Constitution. (Not Change It). To be called to enact on the Federal Government; fiscal restraints, term limits, and restoration of states’ rights. (Supported by nearly 80% of the US population)

Jan 27, 2023, the Day of Enlightenment occurred in Representatives Hall. Approximately #125 supporters took time from family and work to support HCR- 1 Convention of The States. Mr. Michael Farris, renowned constitutional scholar and practiced Supreme Court attorney, eloquently addressed the fears of the Hocus Pocus group, as well as gave a history lesson on policy and procedures of an Article V. Convention.

The chief magician from the Hocus Pocus group decided not to testify in person and left the room expeditiously as Mr. Farris spoke. Sadly this group also has never proposed any solutions to fight “The Run Away Federal Government,” the authors of Article V feared most.

Later in the week, the courage and wisdom of the State legislature and Veterans Affairs Committee passed Article V HCR-1 and shortly after HCR-4 for US term limits.

We are sure the flying monkeys of fear will be released again as HCR-1 and HCR-4 come before the full legislature session. Please contact your state legislator and ask them to take the time to become enlightened. Let’s join together Democrat, Independent, Republican, and Libertarian – make NH proud to be the 20th state of 34 to call for an Article V Convention of the States to stop a RUNAWAY FEDERAL GOVEREMENT.

In Liberty to All

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