Yesterday, Gov. Sununu was sworn in for his fourth term. His inaugural speech (watch the video here) was laughable in its lack of self-awareness. Among other things, he claimed that NH “said no to mandates,” “puts individuals ahead of the system,” “kept the lights on” when other states shut down businesses, and more.
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He even claimed that they “threw politics out the window” and “followed the data” regarding COVID policy.
Gov. Sununu’s memory seems to be as short as Joe Biden’s these days. He hilariously even claimed: “It’s not right to tell a private business what they can or cannot do.” That’s apparently only true when it fits his authoritarian agenda – because he spent MONTHS telling private businesses what to do. Down to the minutia. We have the receipts. Check out our thread exposing Sununu’s hypocrisy:
In addition to the anti-science statewide mask mandate, Sununu prohibited hair dressers from blow drying their customers’ hair and even controlled how they can be paid, dictated how outdoor campers could be checked in, “discouraged” dancing at weddings, banned reusable bags at grocery stores, limited restaurants to only 6 people per table (even if they were in the same household!), mandated 10ft between cars at drive in theaters, demanded every store have an employee dedicated to “monitor compliance,” and more neo-fascist control over the “private businesses” whose “rights” he claims are so sacrosanct that they supersede the individual liberties of the People.
Governor, it’s time to make amends for your poor decisions bending to federal bureaucratic pressure and buckling to public panic. It’s time for humility and grace rather than lies and distortions to whitewash your past actions. The People of New Hampshire deserve to move forward knowing that these bad actions against a free people will never be perpetrated again, and the only way that happens is to humbly acknowledge your mistakes and ask for forgiveness from the People.