This is something that has been irritating me for a long time, and has now reached the point that it pisses me off. What is ‘this’?
Demanding tolerance of the abnormal.
What’s worse is this demand is being made by people who are intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. It’s hypocrisy.
One of the left’s primary goals has always been to convince us that we are not normal if we do not affirm its ideology, a well established tactic among totalitarians. People who believe in normal things are under attack in America. We are assaulted on a near continuous basis by leftists who practice and promote behavior that is clearly abnormal. Frighteningly, some of this behavior is not merely abnormal, it’s evil.
The online Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides many definitions of normal. Among them are: “conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern, characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine; according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, procedure, or principle; occurring naturally.
If we contrast these accepted definitions of normal with many policies and practices of the left, a trend emerges. Much of what today’s left promotes does not comport with what is recognized as normal. Instructing children how to think and behave like racists, as happens in many government schools through variants of Critical Race Theory, is not normal. It’s harmful.
They have relabeled pedophiles as “Minor attracted persons”. But they are pedophiles, predators hurting and damaging children. Yet we’re supposed to tolerate them? Some seem to support grooming children for activities that should never be imposed upon children. Yet we’re supposed to tolerate this? Abortion right up to the time of birth…or even after? An abomination…yet we’re supposed to tolerate this?
Claiming obesity is healthy and promoting it as such while castigating those disagreeing with them as “Fatphobic”. Working out is “Fatphobic”. Eating healthy is “Fatphobic”. Yet we’re supposed to tolerate this dangerous falsehood?
Examples of this nonsense abound.
Ordinary people are often intimidated into going along with abnormal ideologies because it’s easier than being screeched at by somebody who demands we affirm their abnormal behavior. This intimidation prompts many people to tip-toe around the fact that much of what we see in America today just isn’t normal and sometimes, we keep quiet even though we know it’s not normal. This is how normal becomes redefined.
None of this is to suggest we should discriminate against people with such beliefs as they try to do to us. Many of these people have been deceived, coerced or extorted into affirming abnormal behavior and ideas for self preservation or a false sense of power. By the same token, other Americans have every right to withhold their acquiescence of abnormal behaviors without fear. A little more ‘live-and-let-live’ would go a long way. But live-and-let-live is a two-way street.
It’s time we tell the folks pushing this nonsense too far and that “We ain’t gonna play their game no more.” Normalizing the abnormal is just one more step in the decline and fall of any society. Remember the fall of Rome.
-DCE at Weekend Pundit (Thoughts On A Sunday)
Ever notice that it is always some from the Left that is telling us that “this stigma” has to be removed from Society? And it can be a whole bunch of things like those enumerated above. Add to it illegal drugs, hookup society, victimhood narcissism, drag shows for kids, basic human biology is irrelevant, feelings over reasoning, reverting back to tribalism, denigration of Judao-Christian moral values, separating kids from their parents by pushing transgenderism in schools, and here in the US, rejection of our Founders and the Constitution (our REAL Social Contract)? The list can go on and on with far more UNnormal habits and lifestyles.
Each is meant to do two things:
- Removing stigma and norms removes the guardrails that Society built up over hundreds of years to protect itself from outliers and ne’er-do-wells from infecting Society at large. We’re watching this process in real time as what used to be called degeneracy and deviancy for a reason being thrown away.
- To create chaos. Full blown. Think Cloward-Piven on steroids at several orders of magnitude.
To remake us. By sowing chaos, anything can happen. There are those that aren’t just wishing for it, they are PUSHING for it.
They hope to be the ones that will be able to seize Power and remake us to be them. EVERY single Leftist group, if you really study them, are DEMANDING that you change who you are and what you do and what you think and how you can move around (if allowed) and what to eat and what to wear…don’t doubt me. We’ve blogged a lot of them.
Totalitarians all. DCE quotes:
But live-and-let-live is a two-way street.
In our eyes, it should be. In theirs, no such thing exists – there is only their way. And they are taking advantage of that most of us Normal, as DCE said, try to be “nice”.
Sorry, you need to up your situational awareness – being nice is just another word for “door-mat”. We do, indeed, have to start using “Up Yours!” more often and start putting all the bricks they’ve been been yanking out for years of the wall called Society.
It’s time to tell them “ENOUGH!”