New Research Suggests Puberty Blockers May Make Your Kids Suicidal

Given the scope and history of using government schools to “teach” sex ed, the idea that they’d get this wrong, too, makes sense. What do I mean?

I think I summed it up nicely last February.


The Public Schools have been “teaching” sex-ed for (at least) five decades, and look where we are as a result? Unwanted pregnancy, single-parent families, sexually transmitted disease (STD), rape culture, mental health, the sexual assault of children, and suicide tied to sexual-related dysphoria.

Complete failure would be my diagnosis unless that was the plan, and plenty of folks would say yes, that was the plan.


Government-school-inflicted gender dysphoria is the newest normal for the Education Industrial Complex. In the course of abandoning academics, they’ve fostered a false culture of equity and diversity whose sole function is to destabilize families and future generations.

Mandating education at taxpayer expense that turns kids against parents (if they are lucky enough to have more than one at home if they are ever home) is genius if you mean evil genius.

Remember, families, are the enemy of Marxists. One-parent families make it easier for the government to declare itself the faithful guardian (which it has). And we know that with few exceptions, the atmosphere is hostile to ideas outside those approved by the Left, even when it kills the kids. And it kills them.

We’ve known for years that kids who grow up on the LGBT spectrum have higher rates of suicidal ideation.


Puberty blockers, for example, can kill kids. Transed kids are more likely to experience anxiety and attempt and succeed at suicide. Even in the most caring communities, they are more likely to smoke and abuse drugs and alcohol. These issues are endemic…


They blame you and your cisgender privileged culture, but new research adds meat to the bones of at least one part of the problem.


“Our behavioral and neurobiological characterization reveals for the first time that chronic leuprolide treatment, starting after the onset of puberty, exerts sex-specific effects on social preference, despair-like behavior and hyponeophagia, neuroendocrine responses to mild stress, and hyperactivity of the [dentate gyrus], a crucial neurobiological regulator of stress responses in mice,” the paper reads.


Add that to the results of this  2019 study.


Approximately 58% of transgender patients had at least one DSM-5 diagnosis compared with 13.6% of cisgender patients (p<0.0005). Transgender patients had increased prevalence for all psychiatric diagnoses queried (Table 1), with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder being the most common diagnoses (31% and 12%, respectively).


Anxiety and depression are leading causes of suicide. A majority of transgenders exhibit these conditions. They have an increased incidence of suicide or attempted suicide. Science suggests it is a side effect of puberty blockers.

It might be the drugs.

If you are an adult and have fully informed consent and continue with this form of treatment knowing the risks, more power to you. None of my business unless it’s taxpayer-funded. If you are not an adult and not the legal guardian, all sorts of problems arise, not the least of which is that minors cannot typically (legally) give informed consent.

I doubt any of these details are included before the treatment starts. Certainly not to children or their parents (if they are the woke sort who go along with it). So, little or no information at all, even though it is well-known that puberty blockers can chemically kill kids long before the psychological side effects nudge them toward suicidal ideation. Or, if you’re in Canada, well – they have a coloring book that normalizes asking the state to help you kill yourself.

It can’t all be a coincidence.



HT | Daily Wire


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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