Male Model Dies Suddenly, Middle School Teacher Drops Dead in Front of His Class - Granite Grok

Male Model Dies Suddenly, Middle School Teacher Drops Dead in Front of His Class

first rule of died suddenly club

Dropping dead is all the rage. You’re just minding you’re own damn business, and your heart stops working the way it has since birth. Or, maybe, you have a severe stroke ‘cuz reasons!

Related: The Myocarditis/Pericarditis Pandemic – Who Has to Die before You Believe?

Finding news stories published by the actual self-proclaimed actual media is easy. All you have to do is look. Search died suddenly or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) or all-cause mortality, and you’ll find your lap (top) full. Connecting them to the most obvious common denominator preceding this “epidemic” shuffling off of mortal coils is crazy talk.

Another conspiracy theory lined up to become next year’s truth. And while we wait, young, healthy people are dropping dead.

I’ve never heard of this guy, and I’m not gay or a gal, so I couldn’t speculate, but this guy (Jeremy Ruehlemann) is supposed to be a male supermodel. He was 27 years old.



Now he is part of history and gone way before his time. Look at this guy. He looks healthy to me. So, why is he dead? His father speculates that it was an accidental drug overdose. There was a history of prescription drug abuse, but the father admits he does not know.

We know he was a Jabbasaurus. We also know that the COVID-19 injections have some history of taking out young, healthy people. We do not know if using any other drugs complicates the relationship or the odds. We know very little, and it may be decades before all the consequences of this human test trial on billion of people are known.

Jeremy Ruehlemann is dead, and we can expect the game of “no, he didn’t die from the vaccine*” to begin or continue in much the same way the vaccine is safe and effective crowd lied, knowingly or not, to get people Jabbed in the first place. The way death with COVID was peddled as death from COVID, and so on.

Closer to home (as in, the more ordinary, average sort of lifestyle) is the loss of Jacob Sanchez. This Texas Middle-School teacher died of a sudden heart attack, collapsing in front of a room full of students.


Devine Middle School posted a tribute to Sanchez on its Facebook account.

“We lost a friend, colleague, and just a good man today. Jacob was the kind of person who would do anything to help out others. He was a kids’ teacher. He worked hard to connect with all of our kids not just our athletes. Our kids are going to have a tough time, but our DMS family will be there to help our kids as well as each other,” Darnell posted.


I’m sure the grief counselors were Joan/Johnny/Ze on the spot to help the tweeners come to terms with the sudden death of their teacher, and it is indeed tragic. He was only 35 years old and appears to have been in decent shape. That’s a very odd age for this cause of death. I wonder if there is any evidence of …



There is, but as Jennifer Rosenberg notes in her reply, “We don’t know what could have caused it, only that it definitely wasn’t that thing.” And the band played on, which brings me back to the Related link above from November of 2021 – a few short months into the SADS Era, who has to die?


What will it take?

If I had to guess, a healthy child of yours dropping dead. I wish it didn’t have to come to that. Healthy kids have nothing to fear from COVID19 and should have a palpable fear of politicians, pharmaceutical companies (teachers unions, the medical-industrial complex), their narratives, and The Jab™.


But healthy kids have died and are dying. We reported on a two-year-old who died within twenty-four hours of receiving a dose.

At what point is the number of deaths more weight than even the media can hold back?


