Greta Thunberg Needs To Announce That She’s a Boy if “He” Wants to “Save” the ‘Planet’

When Greta Thunberg was muppet Greta with her braid and her attitude, she was a media star, Climate Cult godling, Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, heck, there’s even a statue of her. But Greta grew up and fell on hard times.

Related: Climate-Muppet Greta Thunberg Bites The Hand That Fed Her

Actually, she’s thrown herself on the sacrificial sword of hard truths.


Thunberg accused the United Nations Climate Change Conference, typically referred to as the Conference of the Parties or COP27 (for being the 27th one), of “greenwashing.”

“You described COP27 as a scam,” BBC radio host Nihal Arthanayake said to Thunberg. “Can you explain what you mean by regarding COP27 as a scam?”


Greta’s right, but she’s only half-right. It’s all a scam, but now that the UN has stopped buttering her bread, she can’t just throw away the bread. The lie is her life but only getting it half right still has consequences. The Climate elites want a divorce, and they are leaving Greta for a pretty young thing named Sophia Kianni.


Enter: Stanford University rising star Sophia Kianni. As this glowing Vogue piece on her details, Kianni is the youngest member of the “United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.” …

“I learned about climate change for the first time in my sixth-grade class,” Kianni told Vogue. “And right after that, I went on one of my summer visits to Iran to my grandmother’s house. I remember being really struck by how horrible the air pollution was, I couldn’t even see the stars at night!


Sophia Kianni


She’s just what they always wanted. Ethnic, Persian, ethnic, photogenic, ethnic. Not bright, though. Pollution is not the same as “climate change,” ask the Chinese or, better yet, regular Americans. Most of the US has clear, beautiful starry skies. It’s only a few of the light-polluting, urban zoos run by Democrat keepers that have any “pollution” concerns.

And even those pale compared to China and India or other nations exempted because climate change is a war on the west, not the climate.

Greta never went to Africa, India, or China. That’s where most of the “pollution” and “emissions” originate.

In the name of greening the planet, Joe Biden is buying more of everything, including oil and gas, from places (unlike America) with few or no laws to protect the environment. They are doing it to green pockets, not the planet.

And Sophia isn’t going to visit China or India either. There won’t be any ambassadorial junkets to the cobalt and lithium mines in Africa or Asia. So where does that leave Greta Thunberg? She’s not young enough or photogenic enough, or ethnic (pasty white is not a “color” with which they’d like to associate). But she could visit those places with the dirty open mines and their massive pollution and emissions, without which the electric vehicle and wind and solar lies would be impossible.

Here’s a thought, Greta. Announce to the world that you are a boy. Become the transgender darling of the green movement. Gather some funding and do a documentary on how the elites are not just greenwashing; they are whitewashing and money laundering—enriching the global elites no matter who has to suffer, including Gaia.

And feel free to continue behaving like a girl; Lia Thomas is sexually attracted to women and permitted to parade her man parts in ladies’ locker rooms, so there’s ample precedent (and the media loves “her”).

You’ll be the darling of whatever it is again, and you don’t even have to thank me. I’m just trying to help get you past half-truths to the whole truth.



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