One Way To De-Westminsterize Congress: A Layperson Speaker of the House

On January 3, 2023, the 535 members of the 118th Congress will show up for duty on Capitol Hill. They owe nothing to any previous Congress. They can repeal or amend any law that was ever passed, going back to 1789.

The “new” Senate will have, in it, 66 members that did not have to face reelection. The other 34 seats were up, and many incumbents were returned. Technically, all 435 House seats got vacated. As of the counting of votes by November 15th, 218 Republicans got elected to the House; hence Nancy Pelosi will not be the Speaker. Republican Kevin McCarthy has already referred to himself as Speaker-elect.

No way, Jose. As I will explain below, a “new girl” is vying for that position.

Most Americans think that the old leaders of the Parties will have an automatic continuation. But that’s not correct. When they assemble on January 3rd, 2023, no member of the House or Senate has any privilege, not even committee membership. It’s a new Congress, the 118th in our history. Members of each chamber are dependent on a majority of their colleagues to provide them with any privilege.


According to the Constitution, each house (a.k.a. each “chamber”) makes its own rules. Article I, sec 5: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings.” The Senate, for example, can make a rule that their Tuesday sessions will begin at 10 am, “except, in case of snow, they will begin at 11 am.” Or whatever.

The House of Reps could make a rule — and it did in 2020 — that all members must wear a mask. But they could instead have made a rule that their rules must not include anything about facewear, including masks. A vote of 51% is needed for any such thing. (To be precise, not 51% but a majority, which is counted as half of the voting members plus one.)

The rules being made are only about Congress’s behavior; they aren’t law, and thus do not require the president’s signature or even the concurrence of the other house. At present, there is a Rules Committee, but even that could be ruled out by a new rule. Amazingly, the House could make a rule that it will no longer have committees! Congress needs to do only what the parchment told it to do (and it often declines to do even that).

The Westminsterizing of Congress

Part of the way in which the globalists have taken over America is by maneuvering the members of Congress into a fixed Party system, and maneuvering the pubic into thinking this is normal. It is not normal. John C Coleman reported, in his 1992 book The Conspirators’ Hierarchy, that Lloyd Cutler was tasked (by the globalists) with westminsterizing Congress.

This really ruins the concept of your local member of Congress representing you. How can he take orders from the field if he has already been given his orders from the globalists, as passed down through Party leaders?

As I said recently about New Hampshire’s two reps, Anne Kuster and Chris Pappas, they always vote with Nancy Pelosi and therefore don’t deserve to be paid $176,000 per annum. We could pay them an honorarium of $5,000 and all they would have to do is press the button to vote as instructed.

Of course, fixed Party control also eliminates the notion “Let a thousand legislative ideas bloom.” Believe me, it has assisted the decimation of intellectual life.

Your Humble Servant in the Speaker’s Chair

I have made a video (below) in which I name myself a candidate for Speaker of the House immediately. On the day I made the video (September 8, 2022), I was also on the ballot in New Hampshire’s primary, hoping to become elected as a member of the House. I lost, but no matter — I am advertising my availability as a layperson Speaker.

You may be shocked to hear that the Speaker does not have to be a congressperson. I reckon he or she does not even need to fit the requirements for Congress — age 25, US citizen, and seven years’ residence. It doesn’t require political experience, and I think the Speaker would be better without it.

Don’t worry about some tasks that have been given, by House Rules, to the Speaker. For example, that she would authorize particular decisions. If you make me your Speaker, I wouldn’t inherit any of those prerogatives. The House would need to vote to change such provisions. Very likely they’d give them to “the leader of the Party that has the most seats” — but even that is not pre-ordained.

What about the fact that the Speaker is presently “second in line after the VP to become president?” Not a problem. It was a federal law, not the Constitution, that made that happen. All that the Constitution says, in Article II, sec 1 is: “Congress may by law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President.”

Accordingly, there was a Presidential Succession Act in 1792, another in 1886, and the current one which was enacted in 1947. These all assumed that the Speaker is not of the Mary Maxwell variety but is a member of the House. So, if someone of the Mary Maxwell variety becomes Speaker (whether by a law or by a rule), both chambers would have to enact a variant on the 1947 order of succession.

Note: on five occasions a non-member of Congress has received at least one vote for the job of Speaker.

Recruiting a Layperson Speaker

As shown in the video below, I declared my candidacy for the Speaker position. Well, you have to start somewhere to try to get the position filled, and it was convenient for me to say “Let it be me.” But one can’t campaign to the general public. All the voters for Speaker are reps themselves. I could write to each of those 435 “voters.”

Perhaps, for a year or so, Congress should try out the new concept of a non-member Speaker. I imagine that merely discussing such a “crazy” idea would go some way to calling attention to the terrible problem of the Westminsterization of our precious legislature.

In theory, every one of the members of the House (barring those, if any, that are mind-controlled) should be pleased at the prospect of NOT having a central boss. “Mrs Speaker” or “Mr Speaker” would be their non-partisan employee. He or she would not direct legislation, much less promote any ideology. He or she would only run the business of the day.

Many of the 435 individuals may be pleased to picture such a scheme. Think of this, O Reps: If you are in Party A, and Party B has the majority and therefore the Speakership, you don’t feel very powerful, right? But if the Speaker were of the Mary Maxwell variety, y’all could make your demands on her with expectation of getting consideration.


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