Doug Lambert stars in the Political High Wire Act Dumpster Fire FI

NH GOP Delegate and Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert Arrested and Charged with Simple Assault

Once again, Douglas Lambert has fallen off the Political High Wire Act that has always been his downfall.  His hubris has caused him to believe, again (like the Ray Buckley incident) that he was politically invulnerable and impervious to any reaction.  He needs to RESIGN NOW from being an NH GOP Delegate and his Commissioner … Read more

Stepanek on R Primary 2022-09-13

Is the NH GOP and RNC Going to Give NH Primary Winners Don Bolduc, Karoline Leavitt, and Bob Burns the “Joe Kenney Treatment”?

It doesn’t take a high-level seer to know that the NH GOP is mostly likely upset with Republican voters right now (“You peons didn’t listen to we experts and didn’t .vote RIGHT again!?!?!?!?!”). The GOPe (“NH GOP Establishment”) choice for US Senate was Chuck Morse, for CD-1 was Matt Mowers, and in CD-2 was George Hansel.

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