Mitch McConnell Unveils His Agenda for 2023-2024 … Reelect Joe Biden

Not all, but a majority of Republicans in Congress do NOT want to win. More precisely, they define winning differently than the voters. The voters define winning as, for example, Republican control of the Senate.

Mitch McConnell and his cronies define winning as Mitch and his cronies “leading” the Senate-GOP, so they can continue their grift. So it doesn’t matter as much to Mitch and his cronies whether the GOP is a majority or a minority as much as whether they get to “lead” it.

Donald Trump posed … and still poses … an existential threat to these grifters. That is why Mitch has announced his agenda for 2023-2024 is to “bipartisan” with Biden. Yup, the same folks who, during the first two years of the Trump administration … when the GOP controlled Congress … refused to work with Trump, want to work with Biden. In order to prevent Trump from becoming President.


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