Let’s Return to a Democrat Citizen for Belknap PAC Certified Republican for Yet Another Round, Shall We?

by Skip

So who IS Cindy Creteau-Miller, running for the NH House from Meredith?  She is certainly not an NRA “A” rated candidate, but she keeps insisting on it (and pro-abortion as well). She’s also now disavowing the endorsements that the CfB gave her.

She, of course, still hasn’t realized she was just a mere pawn in order to get the ten real Conservative Republicans the heave-ho under the false flag of “HAVE TO SAVE GUNSTOCK!!!”

Heh!  That there is now another blog that has finally realized that GraniteGrok has been right about this all along: that “SAVE GUNSTOCK” was always a political maneuver stunt pulling the wool over the eyes of the low information voters.  And Cindy Creteau-Miller, so thrilled by “big time player” Gary Kiedaisch, fell for it as well.  And now is being attacked by Democrats on social media. But back to the NRA rating – it’s not the only gun advocacy group that gave her the same “D” rating.

But first this – does she REALLY think she can “finesse” her NRA rating simply by buying a membership to “make it all better”? THis is like #MeToo Weinstein stating he’s going to bankroll attacks against the NRA for propitiation in abusing all those women by dint of his high position in Hollywood:


Creteau-Miller tries to wipe NRA D with a 5 year membership


Lame. Just lame.  You can’t “buy” a rating. As to that “other gun group” I mentioned, if you’re getting a “D” twice over, no amount of money is going to get you out of this self-injected purgatory:


NHFC On Target Candidate Survey Report


And the Belknap County part of that report:


NHFC 2022 Belknap County Ratings


Is she NOW going to exclaim that her survey to them was ALSO HACKED???  Doubtful. Why?

I’m not an NRA member nor am I a member of this other group – but I DO know the folks that are in it and running it…for years. In fact, here it is for all of the Belknap County NH House candidates. I’m helping you, loyal readers, out by ensuring you see CC-M’s rating – no magnifying glass necessary.

One D might be arguable.  Twice a D is not.

To forestall the complaint that I’ve engaged in “creative editing” and avoid the charge of  “THAT WAS EDITED AGAINST ME!”, here’s the whole report. Hover over the page, and the navigation bar will appear. Also, the rating/scoring is on the first page.


So folks, who are you going to believe (or, in this case, WHAT survey holds water)?

NOTE: I strongly suggest good Republicans and Independents write in Jeanne Tofts on the Meredith ballot to defeat the Democrat-supported Cindy Creteau-Miller. We don’t need a republican that hates the Second Amendment in the NH House and who would be aligned with the Democrats.  THAT’S an Extremist Republican!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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