To Dems 'Democracy' Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means - Granite Grok

To Dems ‘Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

republicans electing democrats

When Democrats prattle on about “defending” or “protecting” Democracy, the pat response from the right is ‘we live in a Republic.’ That’s a fact, but it is not compelling if you have to explain, and if you do, odds are you’ve lost them. So, what might carry more weight?

A reality check, as provided here by  E.M. Cadwaladr (emphasis, mine).


I remember talking to a childhood friend a little before the 2016 election.  What he said to me sticks in my memory verbatim because it was so stunning.

“If Trump wins this election, it will be the end of democracy.”

To him, democracy meant something other than a president being elected through the free choice of millions of ordinary voters.  To him, “democracy” meant “the cause,” the ideology of the left in all of its romantically dishonest Marxist overtones — which the wretched public was about to mess up.  “Democracy,” in other words, could not be left to the people.  It was the proper province of the enlightened and sophisticated few. 


I’m not suggesting you try to make this case verbatim but instead consider the collectivist conscience. To the political Left ‘Democracy’ is not a system where every resident or citizen (legal or otherwise) has a voice. “The last thing that such people would want is an honest election — ever.”


Whatever shakes out after the circus of mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and all the other tricks we’ve come to expect — we must remember that the leadership of the Democrat party does not believe in elections even in principle.  They will not consider any manipulation of the electoral process to be cheating.  In their view, they’re entitled to win.  If I eat a piece of steak, I do not moralize at all about the unfair slaughter of the beast that it was taken out of.  Our political rights, in the eyes of most of the political class, are something on the order of the civil rights of cattle.  This is to say — they are rights they don’t believe exist.


The Left will cheat to win, and they must win. They’ve even institutionalized it.

Hillary Clinton’s PR bit for the latest banner under which the Left has both admitted and justified rampant election fraud is called ‘Indivisible.’ It is committed to rooting out and stopping Republicans from stealing elections. Since Democrats always tell you what they are doing by accusing their opponents of doing it, we know the cheat is on, and there’s no end in sight. And I have to admit; they are good at that.

Related: Reminder: Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy

By creating an echo chamber focused on dishonest narratives from the right, they hope to invalidate (maybe abort is a better word) any argument about election integrity in the womb. Not because they care about honest elections, we know that’s not true. From postmarking late ballots to dismissing verified cases of ballot harvesting and vote buying to inventing them in boxes delivered long after they could legally count (and counting them), Democrats are the party of “stolen election,” and it cannot be denied. But it’s not stealing to them, so their conscience is clear.

For them, this is what is necessary to protect “the democracy,” and to them, Democracy is mob rule.” ‘[T]he cause,’ the ideology of the left in all of its romantically dishonest Marxist overtones — which the wretched public was about to mess up.

And I know that I have not delivered to you a dagger of a narrative that could drive home the point, so perhaps I should lean on a previous point and hope you can walk away from this raw material with a tool of your own making.

Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy.


Elections have been tampered with and rigged since the idea of voting first occurred. The pursuit of power by people most likely to abuse it are more often than not those most drawn to it – which guarantees tampering.

Elections are also – even if rigged – a barrier to the progressive agenda. Central planning is inequitable, incompetent, frequently cruel, and destined to devolve into some form of despotism, but that’s what they are after. So when the Left insists that talk about election integrity is little more than wide-eyed conspiracy, what they mean is to thank you for invalidating the institution.


If they can get you to give up voting, they won’t have to steal elections anymore. Their side shows up in person or on paper, and with nothing to stop them, they will use the power to end elections that are anything other than lip service to the one-party state.

While no political system is perfect, we know how that one ends, and while we’ve few options, one thing we can do is vote for every seat and every race and not one of them for Democrats.



HT | American Thinker
