Women in Biden’s White House Make Less Than Men

Steve MacDonald

When he said the buck stops at Joe Biden, he was lying, or maybe he was talking about the so-called gender pay gap. A survey of salaries in Biden’s White house revealed that men make 16.5% more than women. The buck stops at Joe’s gender.

Related: If Gender is a Social Construct, Then So Is The Gender Pay Gap


Female employees in the West Wing earn a median salary of $83,467, more than $16,000 less than the median salary of $100,000 for male employees, an analysis of a White House salary disclosure found. The 16.5 percent wage discrepancy tracks almost perfectly with the national gender pay gap, according to President Joe Biden’s own proclamation on Equal Pay Day in March, which stated that women across the nation make 17 cents less per dollar than men.


And since the Left is about equality of outcome, not opportunity, all that chatter means but one thing. They don’t practice what they preach. Women working for Biden, just like Obama, are underpaid compared to men. They make less. Not that it truly matters. Gender is a social construct. If gender is made up, then so is the pay gap.


[Megan Rapinoe]  is a very talented millionaire female athlete who has complained for years, despite her success, that she gets paid less than men for doing the same job. That’s the gender pay gap. Or is it? Rapinoe’s success did not come from playing against men. It results from being better than most other women in her chosen profession.

If forced to do the same job – compete professionally against men – Rapinoe doesn’t make the cut.


Maybe the men are doing jobs requiring more hours, stress, risk, or responsibility. In other words, what if the women are not doing the same job – like Megan Rapino – so they are not entitled to the same pay?

Megan, of course, led her coven of wealthy but discontented women (whatever those are) to an agreement with the world soccer people. They got a base pay deal on par with the men with whom they could never compete. Perhaps the Women of the White House could rally a similar deal.

Or, given the state of the economy, could they get the men paid 16.5% less?

It’s not like anyone there is doing anything that could be confused with good work. Most of what they’ve done is causing our dollars to be worth less and do less, forcing us to be less.

And since this is about equality, at least on paper, not a body in that building should be making more than $63,214.00. That’s the average individual wage in the US in 2022, down about 5K from when Trump was the guy sitting behind the Resolute desk. The median income under Biden is only $44,225.00.

The problem, if there is one, is that people in government make more than the people who pay them, including the women.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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