If Gender is a Social Construct Then So Is The Gender Pay Gap

Steve MacDonald

The Progressives seem pretty taken by the idea that gender is a social construct. But if sex is not binary, then neither is anything else related to it. Take Megan Rapino, for example.

Millionaire with a Victim Card

She is a very talented millionaire female athlete who has complained for years, despite her success, that she gets paid less than men for doing the same job. That’s the gender pay gap. Or is it? Rapinoe’s success did not come from playing against men. It results from being better than most other women in her chosen profession.

If forced to do the same job – compete professionally against men – Rapinoe doesn’t make the cut.

She’s not Megan Rapinoe, women’s world cup champion. Soccer as a career is never even on the radar. Maybe she’s Megan, your server asking you what kind of dressing you’d like on your house salad or if you’d prefer potato wedges, mashed, baked, or fries. Or Megan, the barista, or perhaps bartender – which worked out okay for Sandy Cortez.

But if gender is a social construct, there can be no women’s soccer. It’s just soccer, and guess what? No women play the game professionally. Men dominate it so completely that women cannot even compete against the C-Team leftovers.

It’s not injustice. It’s sex.

All other things being equal in athletics – effort, training, practice, natural skill – men will always dominate, and that’s a construct of nature.

So no women mean no pay gap.

Outside the arena, the so-called pay gap would also be at odds with the genderless society. If no one is genuinely male or female, then people truly are paid based on their ability, merit, availability, risk factors, appearance, willingness to relocate or travel, and scores of other factors.

No gender no gender pay gap.

But there is a pay gap. Among men, many earn far more than their value because of social constructs. Some women get paid more for similar reasons.

It’s just the way the world works.

And hey, Diversity, equity, and inclusion are a social construct that has enriched many who could neither compete at soccer nor wait tables. But they command salaries well above the national average to perpetuate the social constructs that keep them employed, like the gender pay gap. But if you reconceive sex into something indefinable, past constructs built on a binary foundation must also collapse.

If Megan Rapinoe is earning the same as a man doing the same job, what’s to keep her “employers” from expecting her to do a man’s work – even in soccer? And when she can’t compete with men and finds herself jobless, what then? Outrage?

What if men claiming to be women flood her workspace and outperform her there, making her jobless? Is that different? Is it worthy of the same outrage, and if not, why not?

It’s the social Marxist equivalent of a paradox. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Sex is binary, gender is a social construct, and the pay gap almost always filters for value, not genitals. But if you still want to make genitals meaningless, then the gender pay gap has to go too.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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