Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow - Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



















Whether or not one cares of Alex Jones, this is an absolute attempt to silence him.








Understand that I love my wife and kids and would never give them up.  But if I were single, and won the lottery (or at least could somehow swing it financially), I’d be so far off the grid it’d make your head spin.  E.g., “Drive to East Nowhere, take a left, drive another 20 miles, hang a right, and then a dirt road takes to Middle-of-Forsaken-Territory Pond” kind of thing.

Many years ago, in high school, I my father and I did a two-week course in energy efficient design and house building.  Classes in the morning, practical application/practice in the afternoon, on two houses that were being built without plans for electricity.  At the time I thought this was insane.  Now?  I’d be down with that (well, maybe solar to power a fridge).  Somewhere far, far away from anywhere, a garden, some animals, and foraging-worthy woods with a water source.







Pick of the post:



I’ve said this before and say it again now: The Democrats know they cannot win an honest election and – in the theoretical world of fair elections – are due for a shellacking unheard-of in recent history.  For example:

Republicans are Going to Win Big in November, Here’s Why –

If they lose the House and Senate… and the GOP has a set (don’t bet on it)… it’s hearings and investigations and impeachments.  Regardless, enough people on the Right are pissed enough that it’d be utter gridlock at the least.

So if 2020 was vote fraud at a level we’ve never seen because it was a Trumpslide until they stopped counting and started vote dumping, 2022 will be even worse.  And that’s if we have an election at all.  My prediction – and I hope I’m wrong – is that “something” will happen to create calls for the election to be “temporarily” postponed.  Until the crisis is over.  Speaking of, they’re already telegraphing intentions:



Days until they know how many votes they need to find.  Fixed it for them.




Palate Cleansers:




