Vote On Septemeber 13TH!


Our government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” is in critical danger. We are at a turning point in our nation’s history.  The actions we take and the choices we make from now to November 2024 will determine whether this Republic, “if you can keep it,” will stand.

Federal officials take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic….” We citizens have an obligation like that as well. I submit to you that we as a nation, federal officials and citizens, have failed to do this. Whether through intention or indifference, we have allowed the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to be modified, ignored, abused, and finally openly defied.

While crowds cheered the promise to “fundamentally transform the United States of America,” the 44th President set in motion an agenda to undermine our basic norms and institutions, utilizing unelected bureaucrats to achieve governmental control and enrolling the media to propagandize and reinforce the preferred narratives. The 45th President attempted to undo much of this transformation but was met with intense overwhelming resistance. Now, the 46th President has reversed his predecessor and set about continuing the transformation, taking us back on the road toward totalitarian rule openly and at full speed.

We want to thank Ted Lloyd for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

It is now, not 2024, that must mark the beginning of our fight for the survival of “the American way.” The Biden-Pelosi-Schumer autocrats must be stopped by returning to a Republican majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. That would permit Congress to formally investigate the many failures of the current administration: the knee-capping of our energy independence, the trillions in wasteful inflationary spending on Green New Deal priorities, the reckless and humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, allowing the resurgence of the Taliban, the unjust treatment of innocent citizens peacefully petitioning for redress of grievances, the kangaroo court at the J6 committee, the attempts to legislate by executive decree, and the increasing corruption of the Justice Department and FBI. These investigations would set up the defeat of a Democratic presidential candidate in 2024

The New Hampshire primary elections are in less than a week on Tuesday, September 13. Many people consider the primaries to be of minor importance and skip their participation. Primary elections are extremely important — unless you participate, you will only have other people’s choices to vote for in November. Don’t give up your vote to others!

As you make your choices for whom to vote in the primary, consider the following “accomplishments” of the Obama/Biden administration:

A key duty of the federal government is to protect its citizens. Our borders are not being defended, our senior military and homeland security leaders are more interested in their next promotions, in “woke”-ifying and vaccinating the armed forces and civilian departments, and in increasing their budgets and power. Meanwhile, our military strength has been allowed to decline until today we are arguably not up to the task of defending against foreign enemies. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea see our weakness and are executing their long-range plans for world domination.

On the domestic front, our society and our institutions are being systematically and persistently attacked by the “enemy within” — leftist woke big government socialism. The result? The military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned against is here and operating well. Virtually every institution in our country has been infected: from our federal government to blue state leaders and legislators to big-city mayors and city councils; from our congress to our courts; from our universities to our K-12 schools; from our libraries to our churches; from our news and entertainment media, to our high-tech and social network platforms, and from our unions to our big corporations  — the ‘“swamp” rules us all.

Enemies “foreign and domestic” are on the attack and they are winning. We must begin to turn this around, and we must start now. A vote for Democrats would finalize their takeover. A vote for the right Republicans will begin the turnaround.

Who are the right Republicans? I urge you to vote for General Don Bolduc for U.S. Senate and to vote for Karoline Leavitt for U.S. Representative. Don and Karoline will be “part of the solution, not part of the problem.”

Don Bolduc believes in “God, Family, Community, and Country,” in that order. I believe he’s got his priorities straight. Yes, Don Bolduc has a service dog. Don suffered from severe PTSD — 33 years and 10 tours of Afghanistan will do that to an Army vet. Today, “Victor” serves as a symbol of Don’s support for our armed services and the veterans that have returned home.

If you’ve met Don, you’ve seen him display a wooden box that contains the “dog tags” of the 73 soldiers under his command who never came home, a symbol of his commitment to his people. Don’s military career goes beyond combat roles, however. He has a Master of Science degree in security technologies from the Army War College. He served as Commander, Special Forces Africa with diplomatic responsibilities in the countries of that continent.

General Bolduc served on the Joint Staff in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Aide to the Secretary of the Army, routinely briefing high-level government officials including members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President of the United States. Don has been endorsed by a wide variety of New Hampshire community leaders and by the GraniteGrok. A constitutional conservative with experience in the ways of Washington, DC, experience in foreign relations and experience in military command, General Don Bolduc is the man to defeat Maggie Hassan and represent New Hampshire in the US Senate.

Karoline Leavitt is a bright, enthusiastic and energetic young woman whose knowledge and experience belie her 25 years of age. A New Hampshire native, graduate of St. Anselm’s College, and former Assistant Press Secretary under Kayleigh McEnany in the Trump administration, and former Communications Director for Congresswoman and House Republican Conference Chair, Elise Stefanik, Karoline has actual experience in the workings of Congress and in the fight against “the Swamp.” Karoline is the ideal candidate to defeat Chris Pappas in November. She is endorsed by strong conservative leaders such as Ted Cruz, Elise Stefanik, Jim Jordan, Madison Cawthorn, Kash Patel and many state and local conservative politicians and business leaders, and by the GraniteGrok.

Both Don and Karoline are “grassroots” supported, not taking money from PAC’s or out-of-state interests. They deserve your support and your vote next Tuesday.



  • Op-Ed accepts Letters to the Editor, Op-Eds, Press releases, and other content. If you would like us to consider yours for publication, please email  Submission does not guarantee publication.

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