Two Questions Answered By Joe Biden’s Red-Speech

Joe Biden’s “red-speech” answered at least two questions. I will address each in turn.

QUESTION: What do you get when you combine Adolf Hitler and a pedophile?

ANSWER: Joe Biden.

Seriously, it was a speech that could have been delivered by Hitler or Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong or Pol Pot. Never before has an American President declared half the country enemies of the state:

Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself and should spend every day he has left in office profusely apologizing for his hateful invective that makes him the moral equivalent of the worst dictators of the 20th century. But in Biden’s defense, he has no idea how he degraded the office of the Presidency because his dementia is such that he has no idea what he did yesterday or the day before or the day before that. He is a mere figurehead for Team-Obama.

And this brings us to the second question:

QUESTION: Will the Brandon-Democrats peacefully transfer power should the GOP win in 2022 and 2024.

ANSWER: Of course not.

If you believe the opposition are fascists, that they “are a threat to the very soul of this country”, then you do anything and everything to keep them out of power. We already saw this playbook following the 2016 election. The Democrats, the permanent government … i.e. the Deep State … and many Republicans simply refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and did anything and everything to negate that election: the Russia hoax, the Secretary of Defense refusing to withdraw troops from Syria, the DOJ refusing to prosecute BLM and Antifa militia … and the list goes on and on and on.

Expect Trump to be indicted shortly. And then they’ll go after DeSantis and other prominent America-First Republicans.

Team-Obama, through figurehead, imposter-President Biden, has unmistakably shown us who they really are.


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