My Theory On Why Bolduc Flip-Flopped On The 2020 Election

Since I posted Massive Unforced Mistake By Don Bolduc, I have been thinking about why Bolduc completely reversed his position on the 2020 election almost immediately after winning the primary. I’ll share with you my theory.

Bolduc, relatively speaking, is BROKE. And he has shown no ability whatsoever to raise money. Needless to say, to beat Hassan he is going to need money … lots and lots of money. Mitch McConnell has money … lots and lots of money. TO CUT TO THE CHASE … I think the flip-flop was the price Mitch demanded that Bolduc pay for his monetary support:


The question … if you accept this theory … becomes whether to support Bolduc despite this accommodation. Perhaps in Bolduc’s mind the situation was analogous to the United States allying with the Soviet Union to defeat Nazi Germany. Perhaps there is nothing to my theory. Thoughts?

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