America Is a Lot More like Venezuela than You Thought

Steve MacDonald

In true Marxist fashion, the People’s Republic of Venezuela (dba: Venezuela) has a food security problem. The connected political elite are eating like kings while the poor (everyone else) starve. The “cure” for this ailment may sound familiar.

Doctors are discouraged from declaring starvation as a cause of death.

No records, no official problem, and if anyone complains, you can say, where’s the evidence?

Sound familiar? Like safe and effective, or don’t you dare prescribe or fill prescriptions for Hydroxychloruine or Ivermectin, or we’ll yank your license to practice.

The government created VAERS as the go-to standard for vaccine surveillance, but now we are told it is more like Twitter. It’s anecdotal. Inaccurate. Old wives tale.

We have reports of certificates listing the cause of death as COVID so hospitals could collect reimbursements from the government. A government that incentivized death by hospital with federal treatment guidelines that increased the odds that COVID patients would die. Policies that discouraged FDA-licensed drugs that kept people out of the hospital and saved lives.

Don’t use those, or we’ll be sending agents to review your practice.

Back in Venezuela, doctors are “encouraged” to avoid listing starvation on the death certificates of children. That government is intimidating doctors and public health officials to present a preferred narrative, just like in Biden’s America.

Where, despite the evidence that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective and are – in fact – dangerous to many, the Feds have purchased millions more doses.

An America where food prices are climbing out of reach, homelessness, addiction, and suicide are on the rise, and children and women are being trafficked.

What’s that? You are not hearing about any of that on state-run media?

America is a lot more like Venezuela than you thought.



HT | HuffPo


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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