The Biden Administration Summed Up In One Short Video

The latest bit of pork and mirrors to come out of Congress is the Inflation Reduction Act, more appropriately named the IRS inflation Act. It will inflate the IRS, who will then Lois Lerner whomever the ‘crats (Demo or Bureau) decide has won the 5 AM raid Lottery

Armed agents with the FBI (FSB?) at the tip of the spear, making examples of people. Who? Anyone. Donald Trump, your neighbor who has chickens and the Gadsden Flag. Donors to the wrong charities. Why leak lists when you can just use them yourself?

It was inevitable.

Forcing local PD to comply with their police state fantasy is taking too long (especially after all that defunding business) so boom! One sweep of the pen and we’ll have the same thing with built-in confiscatory powers. They take you, your stuff, and maybe you’ll get a cell next to one of those J6 “trespassers” awaiting trial.

They are coming, and the law has nothing to do with what motivates them.

The other prominent feature of the Inflation Creation Act is spending. Lots of spending backstopped with BS about taxes to pay for it. Hint: if the Feds ever cared about paying for something, we wouldn’t be 30 trillion dollars in debt. These taxes are just a new regulatory burden to hide the true purpose.

Anyway, the green jobs bill won’t create jobs or electricity. It will enrich leftist friendlies who will recycle that into Democrat coffers to keep the wash cycle on high.

Increase inflation (it will), add to the federal debt (it will), and launder future generations of taxpayer’s money to Democrat friends and family dressed up as green infrastructure enhancements.

Quick note: whining about the impending brownouts and blackouts is going to be hate speech (that’s what they mean by environmental justice).

Ugly business this, but it’s where we are, and it’s our fault.

Oh yeah, and then there’s this now totally random video of a wind turbine on fire. It reminded me of the Left’s energy fantasy and everything they’ve done in the past few years.

America on fire (falling apart while we record it for Tik Tok or Instagram), turning in the breeze until it can turn no more, as Democrats spend as much as they can while they can on more of that.





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