NH-NeverTrumpJournal Still Shilling For Biden

So some radio show recently hosted a debate for the GOP CD-1 candidates. Of course, the NHGOP-Establishment moderator tried to get the candidates to sign on to the NHGOP-Establishment’s narrative that 2020 was a resounding rejection of Trump and the GOP needs to get back to its Bush-Cheney-McCain-Romney roots. Karoline Leavitt was having none of it,


… which made Mike Graham’s head explode:



You have to be some kind of Trump-deranged … which obviously Mike Graham is … to still be claiming the 2020 election was not rigged. It obviously and undeniably was.

Zuckerbucks, the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop, Pfizer delaying the roll-out of its COVID vaccine to prevent Trump from getting the credit, and the list goes on and on.

NH-NeverTrumpJournal represents the loser-mentality-wing of the GOP. He and his ilk loathe and despise actual GOP voters and prefer having the GOP in a minority that they control rather than allowing GOP voters to elect the candidates that they want.

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