Neutral in Primary is No Excuse for Inaction


Neutrality clauses in a primary are good for the party organization and help encourage post-primary unity. This is critical to quickly overcoming hard fought losses and the accompanying disappointment by candidates and their loyal supporters.

Rules 11 of the Republican National Committee (RNC) does not allow the RNC to “contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office of that state, except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing deadline for that office” without the written approval of the state’s 3 RNC members. As one of the RNC three members from NH, I can assure you that we have NOT & will NOT approve a neutrality waiver.

Article II of the NHGOP by-laws states that “No officer of the State Committee as defined in Article II, Section 2, shall participate in any primary contest on behalf of any candidate for a Republican nomination. They shall remain strictly neutral in any such primary contest.” This implies that the NHGOP as an organization shall remain neutral in both action, AND appearance. County and City Republican organizations are governed by their own by-laws and many require their organization and leaders to remain neutral as well.

The only way to win in an evenly divide state like ours is to rally together immediately after our “last in the nation” primary on September 13th. For activist and party officials that doesn’t mean sitting on the sidelines, however. We can support unopposed candidates, organize for the post primary push, offer training equally to all candidates, highlight the abysmal voting record of our Democrat opponents in Letters to the Editor, and fundraise for the eventual nominee.

We want to thank Chris Ager for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

Since I’m keenly aware of the destruction that Democrat policies are having on the nation, I’ve joined with a group of Republicans in General election fundraising for the “eventual US Senate nominee” and hope to do this for Congressional candidates as well. The beauty of this fundraising approach is that all donations go directly into an approved account that can only be accessed by the winner after 13 September. This can help provide some momentum in the precious few weeks between the Primary and General election. I believe firmly that ALL Republican nominees are better for Granite Staters than the incompetent incumbent Pelosi/Schumer “Yes” man/women.

I encourage all to support your candidate of choice in the Primary. There are many good folks to choose from. Especially if you are neutral, think about kicking into a general election account for the “eventual nominee.” I can direct you to the right place to donate. You’ll be glad you did on November 8th!

Chris Ager

RNC Committeeman, NH


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