Maggie Hassan Serves Maggie Hassan, Not NH Residents. We Need a Change So I’m Endorsing Don Bolduc for US Senate

I’m seeing political ads from Maggie Hassan on TV and my computer asking NH to reelect her to the U.S. Senate. She seems to think that her voting 98% of the time with Joe Biden’s endless runs of failures and disasters has somehow been good for the people of NH. Has it been good for you, readers? She’s working hard, she says, to pass a gas tax holiday for the rest of the year. That 18.4 cents Federal tax per gallon of gas, wow! This, after she and Biden, raised gas costs to over $4.00/gallon even after starting to deplete our national emergency oil reserves twice and sending several billions of dollars worth of oil to China from that reserve. This, she says, is serving the people of NH. I don’t think so! That 18.4 cent/gallon pittance does not touch heating fuel oil costs at all that the majority of us heat our homes with here in NH.  Remember, too that our electricity costs have now doubled for this heating season!

Folks, Maggie Hassen serves Maggie Hassan.

I call on all voters, regardless of Party, to vote for Gen. Don Bolduc for the U.S. Senate. A native of Laconia, NH, enlisted in the Army as an E1 private, and with dedication and an incredibly hard work ethic rose to the rank of Brigadier General. Sent into harm’s way, wounded twice in his service to YOU, he protected this nation, our values, and our interests. Now he only asks to serve us again as our next U.S. Senator.

People of such dedication, talent, and ability among our nation’s millions are rare indeed. There is no comparison between the current do-nothing Senator Hassan and General Bolduc. Hassan has coasted along but Don Bolduc is a dynamic and tireless worker who will fight for the people of NH regardless of Party because he is a proven patriot, a man of honor, courage, and integrity.

Please join me, donate, support, and vote for Don Bolduc.

[Disclaimer: Every Grokster is allowed to have personal endorsements on GraniteGrok and this is Steve Earle’s. At this time, the GraniteGrok authors have not yet voted on the US Senate race to see if GraniteGrok will issue an endorsement in this race, and if so, who will receive it.  -Skip]

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