Lies and Smears Flow Freely from Pravda on the Paugus

by Skip

Our Daily Sun (Pravda on the Paugus) has jumped both feet into the Gunstock issue. It has sided is siding with, no surprise, the big money fat cats who were running it like it was their plaything and ignoring the laws governing its oversight.

Gunstock’s Commissioners, in which Gunstock Mountain Resort, is owned by the people of Belknap County and not these rich cats. The Belknap Delegation, was correct to remove them for cause (overstaying their terms of office) in being right, and legal by Law. The money men, not to be thwarted, teamed up with a George Soros-funded professional PAC from Manchester, and the mountain was temporarily closed. We all read all about it so no more on that. But here we see just what these big shots think of average people here in this county teaming up with Soros Leftists to do harm.

Laconia Daily Sun Cub Reporter Jon Decker having a nutty GraniteGrok imageEnter The Daily Sun which has been turning Left like a corkscrew ever since Ed Engler got too sick to run his paper. At the “walk out” resignation performance the young Sun reporter, taking the side of the Left, of course, performed his biased political activist routine. Everything other than a 5-year-old falling to the floor and holding his breath. What a disgrace, no pretense of objective reporting at all.

The lies and smears flow freely down on the Paugus, chief among them Leftist “cartoonist” Mike Luckovich. Drummed off a couple of years ago he’s been back pumping his hate since earlier this year. In his space last week, he was trying still to convince readers President Donald Trump committed some crime. After six years and six investigations, not even a parking ticket but Mike keeps trying. It must pay well to be pushing hatred.

This is all about turning our county blue in November; you’ve seen the disasters socialists are doing.

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