
Beware, citizens, radicals, and extremists are roaming the countryside. That’s what all those signs littering the streets would have you believe. Oddly enough they seem to consider Freedom to be a radical concept. This, in the ‘land of the free,’ doesn’t make sense.

In order to understand what’s really going on, you need to consider the source. It appears that the source is working from an instruction manual. Perhaps they are using Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals?

We want to thank NH State Rep Mike Sylvia, Chair of the Belknap Delegation for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Alan Posnack (registered Democrat) audaciously claims to be the leader of the Citizens of Belknap PAC. He and a small band of entitled elitists scatter their sign trash across the county in an attempt to appear to be supported by the average people of the area. These are the same sorts of people that want to ban ‘single use’ plastic bags. They lack the self-awareness to see the irony of the mess they create.

As Rob Natelson writes in his article, “Beware the Word “Extremist”:

The modern “Progressive” project has centered on changing the key factors of culture and freedom: attacking the culture, undermining constitutional restraints on government, and expanding the public sector until it dominates American life. A group that seeks to topple the central pillars of a system is by definition “extremist,” no matter what they call their opponents.

I’ll happily accept the badge of honor offered by ‘Progressives’ for my work in leading the most conservative county delegation in the state of New Hampshire. They are a small minority desperate to distract you from the catastrophic failures of the Biden administration of which you are reminded every time you reach for your wallet.


Mike Sylvia is a NH state Rep and Chair of the Belknap Delegation

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