Belknap County Republican Committee - the "We're ALL Extremists Now!" edition - Granite Grok

Belknap County Republican Committee – the “We’re ALL Extremists Now!” edition

Citizens for Belknap - NO Extremists

Grokster Don, who was also present at July meeting  had the Line / Question of the Night (even if not articulated until almost the end of the meeting):

When did limited Government, Freedom, and the Right to Property become Extremist?

Well, Don, that would be when Socialism, that foreign political philosophy, was brought back to our American shores as “American” academics (‘natch!) returned from Germany and then believed that our Constitution and its underlying values had to be replaced (See Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, Obama, and now those who are controlling addled President Asterisk).

The Left has been trying to remove it and the values it stood for and encompassed since the 1890s. One hundred and thirty years, they’ve been marching through our institutions trying to rid “ourselves” of the political philosophy of our Founding Fathers. And that would be by using our own political infrastructure against those of us that still value the Liberty supporting norms they put into place.

But we are now to be called the extremists – and even our Federal Government calls us all domestic terrorists.

And along with “TEA Partier,” “Free Stater,” and now “Extremist.”

The Left loves to label their opposition, in their long march to radically transform America (remember, Obama actually stated as much) anything that would diminish their opposition personally. My prime example is what GAC Commissioners Doug Lambert (owner, DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair) have been calling other Republicans for no cause at all – neither of them nor the Democrat-run group they have aligned themselves with, Citizens for Belknap), can point to any Law that has been broken, ByLaw that has been rendered asunder, Rule that has been bent, nor regulation that has been ignored.




Every step of the way, each of those has been meticulously followed.  Not so much on the other side.

While this video is a month old (had it in my Drafts and forgot about it), that supposition rings true.  A prime example is that GAC Commissioners Lambert and Wood have fallen in with the Democrats in this “rhetorical exercise” of the politics of personal destruction. And given the updated events over this last month, I can just say that Doug Lambert, always a student of the Left’s actions, appreciated how Germany was turned inside out in the early 1930s through the office of the Chancellorship.  Now Lambert has just recreated that using the Gunstock Area Commission.  Now his Putsch has seemingly succeeded.

At least until the two, now maybe three, lawsuits are heard in court.

I do wonder if the newly “appointed” GAC Commissioner Denise Conroy knows that Lambert was an early Trump campaign co-captain?  And that he was the one ostracized from political society by slurring NH Democrat Chair Ray Buckley?  If so, would the below then get invoked, making Lambert and Wood their “useful idiots” (a putsch within a putsch)? Again, both Wood and Lambert are the ones wearing the ski helmets.

Denise Conroy - vote them all out Social Media screenshot
