Over 90 Degrees Where I live Today – But US Temps on Track to be 4th Coldest on Record

Steve MacDonald

Whenever it gets warm, the warmists like to perform their global warming schtick. The sky is falling; the seas are rising; let’s give the government more money and power!

Um, no. Bad idea. But so are all the notions the Planeteers have come up with to address what they describe as man-made climate change. And there is some of that. Urban heat islands – which they’d like to expand and cram us all on – meddle with the atmosphere a bit.

They make it feel warmer than it is.

And most of the climate whiners live or work in these places where the ravages of Democrat-made misery are on full display – the only true threat to mankind. Democrats. But back to the temperature.

It’s going to be above 90 degrees in these parts, so there’s likely to be some finger-pointing. As is our custom, we feel obligated to provide some balance by pointing the finger at the some data.

The US, which for the locals is part of “the globe,” is experiencing near-historic cooling trends in 2020.

Avg minimum nighttime temperatures from Jan 1 to Jun 15, 2020.


January-1-To-June-15-Average-Minimum (nighttime temps)


US percentage of days above 60 on the same time scale




Those averages dipped dramatically in 2020, and maybe you’ve felt it yourself.

We have this trend working—one or two hot days than a week of cooler, milder days. The latter have been outnumbering the former, and, if memory serves, only a few warm nights have made sleeping uncomfortable.

So, enjoy the warmer weather when we have it, but it is not indicative of anything—quite the contrary. According to the science, the US is getting cooler in 2020, not warmer.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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