pinwheel wind

You Know What Doesn’t Fail to Produce Energy During a Heat Wave? Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear, Hydro, …

If nine-tenths of whatever “is just showing up,” this hackneyed turn of phrase has a problem when it comes to so-called green energy alternatives. They are not green, and when you need them most (extreme heat or cold), they are most likely to fail.

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Desert dry sand heat tree Photo by Jordi Vich Navarro on Unsplash

Yes, It’s Hot. It’s July. But Has It Been Hotter for Longer? Yup!

Breaking News. The hottest month of the year is going to be hot. Yes, it is, and as it happens, we may see record-breaking temperatures, but does that mean what the Climate Cult wants you to believe? No.

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snow ice cold original Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Over 90 Degrees Where I live Today – But US Temps on Track to be 4th Coldest on Record

Whenever it gets warm, the warmists like to perform their global warming schtick. The sky is falling; the seas are rising; let’s give the government more money and power!

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