New Zealand: Another Case Of Covid Policy Chickens Coming Home To Roost?

Three days ago, we reported on Austria’s COVID policy woes. They mandated vaccines* but are now prepared to blame doctors for harm resulting from them. Today, it’s New Zealand. “Covid cases and hospitalizations are decreasing among the unvaccinated, but increasing among the vaccinated.”


[Leading New Zealand epidemiologist Professor Michael] Baker said “It’s a dynamic, a battle between us and the virus and there are factors mainly favouring the virus”. The article reported hospitals were overwhelmed.

New Zealand data shows that Covid cases and hospitalisations are decreasing among the unvaccinated, but increasing among the vaccinated, but incredibly, Baker called for new mRNA vaccines to be rolled out urgently. Notably, Baker used terminology usually associated with wartime.


Is it because the unvaccinated have this thing called natural immunity? New Zealand is not convinced. According to the linked report, that evidence doesn’t mean what you think it means – a common theme or thread woven into the security-state blanket.

Related: Data From 145 Countries Show The Jab Increased Cases and Deaths

Excess mortality has been linked to the so-called cure, but New Zealand’s State response is more of the same. Leading New Zealand epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker says they need more mRNA vaccines*.

Only the people, at this point, can turn this tide. Your state and state-run media are committed to the course no matter the cost.

The human immune system was always going to do a better job of fighting the flu virus and any variants. But instead of letting nature fight nature, the so-called pro-planet, green-earth, natural evolution Left chose a mad experiment on their populations. They imposed non-pharmaceutical “remedies” that were useless (distancing) or did more harm (masking) than good. And worst of all, early treatment and prevention were not only shunned but were also shouted down.

And now they’d like to jab those just six months into their tenure on planet earth.

With a pharmaceutical product that not only fails to protect you from the intended target virus but appears to make you more vulnerable to it and all of its step-children. It may even break your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to attack from a wide range of pathogens. Talk about a forever chemical.

Related: A “Vaccine” so Safe Pfizer had to Hire 600 Full-Time Employees to Take Calls About Adverse Reactions

And it was never safe nor effective.

Austria, like Australia and New Zealand, went all-in on the vaxx-them-all propaganda campaign. Austria senses a disturbance in the force and is looking for a scapegoat. Australia, believe it or not, still wants everyone Jabbed but has begun to walk away from its authoritarian-tick restrictions.

New Zealand?

Covid cases and hospitalizations are decreasing among the unvaccinated, but increasing among the vaccinated,” and their chief “medical officer” is more of that.

What about here in the US and New Hampshire? They are ramping up to jab six-month-olds, and the media has yet to write anything questioning COVID vaccine* effectiveness or have they dared to suggest a potential risk for harm.

Related: Is Almost 30,000 Dead From the COVID Vaccines Enough Bodies to Raise a Red Flag?

They can’t even be bothered to report on other nations’ problems with the global man-caused disaster called vaccine mandates. The chickens can’t come home to roost if they are bound and gagged in some sub-basement at ABC News9 or The Union Leader, where “nothing is so powerful as ignoring the truth.”

And sure, our mandates are gone, but the advertising and promotion continue, and with an attitude like that, how long can it be before they return? And what then will we do about that?



HT | Steve Kirsch

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