Irony Alert: Economy “Created” to Sell EVs is Making Them More Expensive to Drive than Combustion Engine Vehicles

Democrats are economic illiterates. It’s the only explanation why so many believe an economy they planned wouldn’t be a total disaster. Take energy. They made oil prices rise to make Electric Vehicles competitive before they had the grid bandwidth to charge them.

If you search ‘high gas prices,’ you’ll trip over articles on how electric vehicles are the solution. So what if they cost half again to twice as much more. Never mind that they are not green or there is nowhere to charge them. There is no plan that creates enough capacity ever to meet the promised demand.

Nothing they will agree to can meet that demand.

My assumption has been that this fraud is a trap. The goal is to force you out of your personal conveyance altogether. And it is not a brilliant assumption. It is what Dems have long admitted they prefer, and you can see them doing it. Tiny houses. Walkability. Unaffordable housing. A preference for densely packed urban living. Policies that make more homeless, not less. And energy policy that makes mobility less affordable.

Part of that lie has been an EV age that has been slow to dawn because they are too expensive and too impractical. Instead of breaking down those hurdles through innovation or technology (though Elon Musk keeps trying), the ‘experts’ went about making gas prices so high (something they have acknowledged for more than a decade would be deliberate) that an EVs operating costs could compete outside the boutique niche of the elite.

There are other reasons this will never be, but those same policies have also made electricity so expensive that combustion transportation – while costly to run due to progressive policy – is still more affordable.



According to Auto-Bild, prices of 1,10 euros per kilowatt hour are currently being discussed. With an average consumption of 19 kWh per 100 kilometres, this would correspond to a price of more than 21 euros.

This means that the cost of driving an electric vehicle would be about 50 percent higher than for mobility with combustion engines….The price advantage for electric cars would thus be a thing of the past. On the contrary, electric cars threaten to become even more expensive to run than petrol and diesel vehicles.


But that’s in Germany (or Europe), you might say. Not America. Yes, America. The progs have been chasing the European Green Dream for years. We’ve outlined their descent along the same path, and it’s happening here. Electricity rates in New Hampshire are to double before the winter. Your coal or NG-powered vehicle will get twice as expensive to drive. And while outfits like Eversource are promising more recharging stations, the economy is also making that more expensive.

In other words, the experts wrecked the energy economy and the rest of the economy with it for nothing.

And you let them think you should be concerned about a few mean tweets?

Democrats destroy everything they touch, so the solution, your call to action, is fewer Democrats in elected offices touching things. And not just in the next election, but all of them.

So, let’s get on that, shall we?




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