Tragedy and Fear Are Two ‘Renewables’ Democrats Always “Recycle”

Governor Chris Sununu has removed Steve Kenda from his position as a commissioner on the committee to study an NH Seacoast “Cancer Cluster.” Kenda’s crime was writing an op-ed pointing out the four cases of child rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) and three cases of pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) did not meet (as defined by the CDC) the statistical definition of a Cancer Cluster.

The State had just finalized its investigation with the determination there was no detectable causal factor for pediatric cancers. Kenda, an MIT-trained engineer, had pointed out the flawed decision-making in the initial designation of a “Cancer Cluster” and, after documenting his well-researched findings, presented it to the commission.

Basically, the entire endeavor had been a colossal waste of resources and time. The local radical progressives and the biased media had already attacked Kenda in vicious personal ways, and the environmental justice members of the commission were incensed.

At the meeting, a mother who lost her child to cancer broke down and cried. The new governor, Chris Sununu (an MIT graduate himself), should have known Kenda’s analysis was flawless, but not showing appropriate homage to a crying mother who had lost a child to cancer can lose votes. Sununu called the woman to express his deep condolences, and Kenda got the boot.

We want to thank James Betti for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to

Two years later, Dr. Ben Chan, the NH State epidemiologist, admitted that given the small number of cases, there should never have been a designation of a Sea Coast Cancer Cluster, and it wouldn’t happen again.

The commission devolved into an environmental-justice feeding frenzy. Although there was no evidence that PFCs (Perfluorinated Chemicals) had anything to do with causing the Childhood Cancers, because there were some high levels on the Seacoast, PFCs were declared the problem.

Irresponsible journalists frightened the population. It made no sense to say PFCs actually caused the childhood cancers because if they did all across the nation, other contaminated sites would’ve shown an increased incidence of these rare cancers. It didn’t matter because the public had been misinformed, and the radical environmental justice groups had an issue.

Dr. Tom Sherman (who should’ve known better) rode his exposure to be elected a State Senator and now the probable 2022 Democratic candidate for governor. Fellow environmental fanatic committee member Mindi Messmer, who once proposed putting Geiger counters all over the Seacoast to warn of radiation leaks from the Seabrook Nuclear plant, was a member of the NH House of Representatives.

These two prompted legislators {no politician would be caught dead not protecting children from cancer} to pass legislation creating onerous regulations and poured millions of dollars into the “cleanup” of NH PFCs. No one knows if cleaning up the PFCs will actually have any health impact, and perhaps it is a good thing.

What’s not a good thing is taking advantage of emotionally distraught parents who had to deal with critically ill children and misleading/frightening the public; all to get your agenda passed.

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